Text 14, A heavenly place!

2. A heavenly place!
1) sauna
2) pool
3) realxing
4) thanks
5) dizzy
6) legs
7) rescue
8) good-looking
9) pushed
10) straight
11) wrong
12) dangerous
13) wonderful
14) showers
15) relaxed

3. Everyone was happy
1) delighted
2) settled
3) heavenly
4) set off
5) smelled
6) rotten
7) sulphur
8) relaxing
9) wrinkled
10) too long
11) dizzy
12) wobbled
13) straight
14) lifeguard
15) good-looking
16) rescue

4. She can do it!
1) herself
2) myself
3) yourself
4) himself
5) themselves
6) ourselves

5. At the spa
1. G
2. E
3. F
4. D
5. H
6. C
7. A
8. B

6. Are you a detective?
1) thought
2) came
3) said
4) set off
5) lay
6) felt
7) sat
8) drank
9) ate
10) found

7. A perfect day
1) I wonder what the girls did at the spa
2) They went to the sauna and lay in the smelly pool afterwards
3) They felt relaxed
4) They drank a soda and ate a salad
5) Kate said (that) she thought it was wonderful
6) Mia found her watch in the dressing room
7) She saw what time it was
8) They set off when they heard what she said.
9) Kate took a brochure from a table
10) She was happy (that) they came to that place

5 verbs to know

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