CHECK IT OUT! (6-10)

1. Trick or treat!
1) children
2) feet
3) men
4) women
5) geese
6) mice
7) teeth
8) wolves
9) witches
10) leaves
11) scarfs/scarves

2. An exciting day
1) the most exciting, isn´t it
2) more dangerous than, aren´t they
3) the most popular, is it
4) the most interesting, are they

3. Going to....
1) is going to play
2) are going to talk
3) are going to board
4) is going to dance
5) is going to listen
6) are going to camp
7) is going to carry
8) is going to study
9) is going to shop
10) is going to watch

5. What goes where?
In a house:
attic, desk, doorbell, kitchen, loudspeaker, shelf, study, wardrobe
At fort Edmonton:
actor, church, cottage, jail, robbery, settler, tribe, wagon
In the Halloween game:
dragon, level, points, roar, skeleton, sword, treasure, witch
ice, pass, penalty, period, puck, score, shoot, stick

6. Across and down
3) ticket
6) unhappy
8) fear
9) invite
11) grow
12) season
1) bright
2) settler
4) fight
5) competition
7) destroy
10) draw
12) spell


1. What happens and what is happening?
1) are standing, buy, Do, don´t
2) is standing, Does, doesn´t, stands
3) runs, Does, does, finds
4) are sitting, Do, don´t
5) walk, Don´t, don´t, walk

2. Was or were?
1) were
2) was
3) was
4) were
5) were

3. Be careful!
1) should
2) could
3) mustn´t
4) will
5) won´t
6) should
7) shouldn´t
8) shall

4. Travelling
1) the best
2) better
3) faster than
4) nicer than
5) The nicest
6) as good as
7) bigger than
8) smaller than
9) nicer

5. Food?
1) I´m good at many things, but I´m bad at eating healthy food.
2) You mustn´t tell the neighbours that Mary eats worms
3) Why not? They say that all of us/ we all should eat insects.
4) I couldn´t eat a single ant!
5) Is her mouth empty now?
6) I can check. Mary! Hand me that ant and stop screaming!
7) The woman in the house beside says that you can take her in your arms.
8) Then she should finally be quiet.

Text 5, The bet

1. What happened to the twins?
1) twins
2) fence
3) shortcut
4) speed
5) shouting
6) climbing
7) high jumps
8) gate
9) turn
10) notice
11) through
12) sign
13) wave
14) carry
15) walk
16) sideway
17) promise
18) forbidden
19) realise
20) dangerous

2. A favourite place
1) There is a lot of space behind the house.
2) The Baxter family spend a lot of time there
3) We like this place a lot
4) Peter wonders why there aren´t a lot of trees in their garden
5) Megan says that there is a lot of grass in the place
6) We live on the praire, you see

3. A) What are they like? How do they behave?
1) sweet, sweetly
2) glad, gladly
3) slowly, slow
4) quietly, quiet
5) hungry, hungrily

1) slow, slowly
2) happy, happily
3) bright, brightly
4) beautifully, beautiful
5) angry, angrily

1) This test was easy
2) It was easy to pass
3) We could easily pass it

Text 4, Healthy food?

1. Are there insects on the menu?
1. Barbecue
2. Grasshoppers
3. Tummy ache
4. Lawn
5. Fence
6. Playpen
7. Backyard
8. Rush
9. Tall
10. basketball hoop
11. Probably
12. Neighbourhood

2. Mary´s playpen
1. Would not
2. Won´t / will not
3. Could
4. Must
5. Can´t 
6. Mustn´t / must not
7. Will
8. Could
9. Should
10. Wouldn´t

Text 3, Peanuts!

1. What words are these?
1. a peanut
2. a/their grandchild
3. fasten seat belts
4. Don´t bother
5. Children
6. lap
7. narrow
8. next door
9. Germany
10. drop in

2 b. The warm classroom
1. It is too hot in our classroom.
2. Two windows.
3. Can´t we open the door, too?

3. Families
1. have
2. has
3. has
4. have
5. have
6. have

4. Arriving in Edmonton
1. hear
2. are landing
3. are flying
4. is raining
5. don´t like
6. know, smells
7. wish
8. lands
9. doesn´t shake
10. get, is shining

b) At the baggage claim
1. The family is standing at the baggage claim now.
2. They see the Baxters behind a barrier.
3. The Baxters don´t notice them yet.
4. They are waiting for their guests.
5. Peter says to Jenny:
6. "Why aren´t you waving at them?"
7. "I am looking for my green bag.
8. I don´t know why it´s not here yet."
9. "Look! It´s coming now!"
10. "No, it doesn´t look like that!"

S.30, Good to know about flying
1. Emergency exit
2. Fasten seatbelts
3. Brace positions
4. Life vest
5. Oxygen mask

5. Finally together!
2. Jenny, Peter
3. Coffee, toast
4. It is morning
5. it is cheaper
6. super
7. It is Saturday
8. the 10th of September / September 10
9. 9 / nine
10. 9.30 / nine thirty
11. dress
12. Aunt Nora´s family

6. Emma´s morning
1. was
2. were
3. was
4. was
5. were
6. were
7. was
8. Was
9. wasn´t
10. was

b) The missing book
1. Was
2. Were
3. Was
4. Were
5. Was
6. Was
7. Were
8. Was
9. were
10. Were

c) Emma´s book
1. The people at the airline company were very nice.
2. Mia was sure that they would send Emma´s book to her.
3. Why was I so careless?
4. You were so excited.
5. We were all excited.
6. Yes, Emma, we were.
7. Where was the book?
8. The lady was not sure.

Text 2, THE CANE

1. Funny words
1. Cane - käpp
2. Steward - steward
3. Runner - löpare
4. Locker - bagagehylla (med lucka)
5. Seat - säte; sittplats
6. Board - gå ombord
7. Fasten - spänna, sätta fast
8. Flight attendant - flygvärd(inna)

2. The airport
2, 1, 4, 3

3. Emma´s stuff
1. Are
2. Is
3. Is
4. Are
5. Are
6. I am
7. Are

4. The wrong seat
1. Is sitting
2. Are sitting
3. Am sitting
4. Are sitting
5. Are you waiting for
6. Is looking
7. Are you doing
8. Am checking
9. Am having
10. Am moving
11. Are waiting
12. Are sitting

5. The crash
1. Are trying
2. Are driving
3. Are hooting
4. Is stopping
5. Is slowing down
6. Are happening

6. The stop
1. Rush hour
2. Traffic
3. Accident
4. Crossroads
5. Seat belts
6. Shout
7. Trouble
8. Manage
9. Couple
10. Cane
11. Seat
12. Take off

Text 1, In transit

1. Word check
1) flight
2) passengers
3) spend
4) in transit
5) at the airport
6) gate
7) cafteria
8) husband
9) wheelchair
10) check up
11) tax-free
12) cashier
13) elderly
14) notes
15) fuss

2. Another husband?
1. turns, sees
2. smiles, says
3. want, try, walk
4. look, laugh
5. bet, doesn´t
6. look

3. Where are they?
1. goes
2. must look
3. runs
4. shouts, wait
5. find
6. says
7. puts
8. buys

4. Do you need all that?
1. do
2. do
3. do, does
4. does
5. do
6. do
7. do
8. do
9. does

5. Don´t need, doesn´t need
1) I don´t need a lot of jewellery
2) You don´t need to buy anything
3) Mum doesn´t buy as much as you (do)
4) She doesn´t go to parties as often.

6. I think...
1. I think coffee tastes better than tea.
2. It´s true, but hot chocolate is the best.
3. Which is worse, September or October?
4. I don´t know, but November is the worst.
5. Helen is ill, but she was worse yesterday.
6. I think she willl be better tomorrow.
7. I´m not good at mathematics but I´m worse at physics.
8. Chemistry is my worse subject.

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