CHECK IT OUT, st. 1-5 s. 41-46

1. What belongs where?

In the music room:
a guitar
a piano
a clarinet
a saxophone
a trumpet
a microphone

In the doctor´s office:
a nurse
a cream
a swelling
a pain
a black eye

In the chemistry room
a test tube
a bottle
a Petri dish
a smell
a mix
a cupboard

At the museum
a guide
a picture
a painting
an original
a fake

2. What is the message!


1. What is true?
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. C

2. Who is the man in the black?
1) across
2) mysterious
3) scared / afraid
4) serious
5) strong
6) spy
7) secret agent
8) magician / wizard
9) aliens
10) polite
11) smile
12) triplets

TEXT 5, The surprise party

1. Who´s new?
1. Are you free after school tomorrow?
2. Why? What are you up to?
3. How about an extra band practice?
4. A band practice?
5. What for?
6. Fiona is new.
7. I´d like to hear her play the piano.
8. And it´s okay with Mr Barnes.
9. All right, see you tomorrow.
10. See you at four.
11. Okay, bye.

2. At the party
1. A glass
2. A mug
3. A bottle
4. A carton
5. A cake
6. A candle
7. A bowl
8. A dish
9. A box
10. A napkin
11. A plate
12. A spoon
13. A fork
14. A knife

c. Translate
1. A bowl of biscuits
2. A dish of chocolate
3. A carton of milk
4. A glass of orange juice
5. A plate of ice cream
6. A bottle of water

3. After the party
1. In
2. After
3. In front of
4. On the left
5. Close to
6. Under
7. On
8. On the right (to the right)
9. In the middle
10. About
11. Behind
12. Beside
13. Between
14. Without
15. From
16. To
17. With
18. For

Text 3. The wrong mix

1. Why? What? How?
1. They have chemistry/ They have a chemistry class
2. An experiment
3. It´s David´s birthday on Sunday
4. They plan a surprise party for him, after school on Monday.
5. They can tell him that they have an extra band practice.
6. They can have a potluck party.
7. They mix the wrong chemicals.
8. A stink bomb.
9. That is fantastic.
10. Open the windows.

2. What´s wrong?
1. Principal
2. Work
3. Work
4. Fresh
5. Awful
6. I don´t know
7. Downstairs
8. Teachers
9. Pupils
10. History
11. We must go out
12. Right
13. Windows
14. These pupils
15. Middle
16. What´s wrong

3. In the lab
1. chemistry lab
2. downstairs
3. interesting
4. equipment
5. cupboard
6. bottles
7. test tubes
8. awful
9. smell
10. mistake
11. principal
12. stand
13. Tuesday
14. group
15. surprise
16. birthday

4. This/these or that/those
1. this
2. those
3. that
4. these
5. those
6. these
7. that
8. this

5. -es (-iz)
1. chanses
2. wishes
3. glasses
4. boxes
5. bushes
6. benches
7. lunches
8. messages

Text 2.Swollen fingers

1. True or false
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. True
9. False
10. False
11. True
12. False
3. The weather is nice
5. Mark is not happy to be in school
6. Mr Barnes is the new form teacher
9. Deeba chases Helen around the classroom
10. Mark gets the piano lid on his fingers
12. His fingers aren´t broken but they hurt

2. Mark and the nurse
1. A man
2. Henry
3. She is ill
4. Next week
5. A cream
6. A pill
7. Two pills a day

3. Ouch!
1. Pain
2. Catch
3. Quiet
4. Swelling
5. Nurse
6. In love with
7. Instead of
8. Leave them alone
9. They aren´t broken
10. Lift the lid
11. You´re lucky
12. They really hurt

4. What´s the weather like today?
1. Sun, sunny
2. Windy, wind
3. Cloudy, clouds
4. Rain, rainy
5. Fog, foggy
6. Snowy, snow
7. Misty, mist
8. Storm, stormy

5. There is or There are?
1) There is, there isn´t
2) Is there
3) There isn´t, there are
4) Are there
5) there aren´t, there are
6) there is
7) There are, there is
8) Are there
9) there aren´t
10) Is there
11) there isn´t, there is
12) There are

Text 1. A hundred years old?

1. What? When? Why?
1. W
2. E
3. L
4. L
5. D
6. O
7. N
8. E

2. Why is the guide nervous?
1) nervous
2) call
3) upset
4) police officer
5) painting
6) check
7) walk around
8) touch
9) paint
10) teacher
11) witness
12) fake
13) museum
14) classmates
15) detective

3. What do the police ask Emma? Listen and find out!
1) What´s your full name
2) How old are you
3) How can we contact you
4) You can call me
5) phone number
6) +358 45 19 92 761
7) in September
8) then I´m
9) When
10) next summer
11) We live there

4. Months and days
1. December
2. January
3. April
4. Tuesday
5. Thursday
6. Wednesday
7. September
8. Monday
9. July
10. Friday
11. March
12. November
13. May
14. Saturday
15. October
16. June
17. February
Call the police at once!

5. Be or have/has
1. Am
2. Is
3. Are
4. Is
5. Have
6. Has
7. Is
8. Is
9. Are
10. Have
11. Has
12. Is
13. Are
14. Have

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