CHECK IT OUT & READ MORE, s. 138-140, st 16-20

-give cards with hearts, give chocolates to someone you like, go to dance
-sing Auld Lang Syne, play lifting cups, watch fireworks
-have a picnic, light a bonfire, throw a Guy on a bonfire
-follow a Swedish tradition, wear a crown of candles, sing Santa Lucia
-get eggs from bunny, get two weeks off school, eat a lot of eggs
-decorate a tree, get presents from a an in red clothes, go shopping for presents

1) Why is that man coming here?
2) What is he doing?
3) He is opening that boy´s backpack?
4) The man is taking his wallet now.
5) Why isn´t my driver doing anything?
6) Oh, he isn´t looking this way.
7) The man is running away!
8) I´m runnning after him now!

5. Furious
7. Razor
9. Haircut
10. Shelf
12. Borrow
13. Path
14. Fence

1. Charming
2. Broad
3. Completely
4. Though
6. Scissors
8. Different
10. Shave
11. Pot
13. Point


1. Who does what?
1. Emma
2. Mia
3. Peter
4. Sarah
5. Eric
6. David
7. Peter
8. Emma
9. Sarah
10. Peter
11. Kate
12. Peter
13. Sarah
14. Eric

2. At the top
1. A
3. -
4. A
2. An
4. An
6. An

3. What is it like there?
1. The black sand is everywhere.
2. The ice cream melts in the heat.
3. The children think the open pavilion is very small.
4. The old bus is full of tourists.

4. Problems?
1. Some, any
2. Somewhere, anywhere
3. Someone, anyone (somebody, anybody)
4. Something, anything
5. Somewhere, something
6. Anywhere, anything

Text 19, The spitting camel

1. Chatting with Kate
1. ride
2. volcano
3. sitting
4. in twos
5. caravan
6. camel
7. towards
8. trying
9. beast
10. pushing
11. against
12. spit
13. bite
14. wallets
15. thief

2. Languages ending with ish
1. Denmark, Danish, a Dane
2. Finland, Finnish, a Finn
3. Sweden, Swedish, a Swede
4. Spain, Spanish, a Spaniard
5. (Great) Britain / England, English, a Brit
6. Poland, Polish, a Pole
7. Turkey, Turkish, a Turk

3. How are the animals?
1. do...eat - eat
2. do...have - have
3. does....sleep... sleeps
4. does...wake - wakes
5. do....give - give
6. does....come - doesn´t
7. do...keep - don´t
8. do...I hear - hear

4. Opinions
1. What colour do you like? I like ......
2. Don´t you like grey? Yes, I do. / No, I don´t.
3. What do you know about Lucia? We celebrate Lucia on the 13th of December. Lucia has a white dress with a red belt and a crown with candles on her head. Lucia sings and gives us gingerbread cookies.
4. Don´t you know anything about Guy Fawkes? No, I don´t / Yes, I do.
5. When do we celebrate Christmas? - We celebrate Christmas on the 24th of December.
6. When does David´s family celebrate Christmas? - They celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December.
7. Do you believe in Father Christmas / Santa Claus? Yes, I do. / No, I don´t.
8. Does Father Christmas / Santa Claus meet the families in Britain? - No, he doesn´t.
9. What do you do on New Year´s eve?
10. Do you set off fireworks, too? Yes, we do. / No, we don´t.

Text 18, A SHARK?

1. What is true?
1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. F
7. T
8. T
9. F
10. T
11. F
12. F

1. In Britain the Easter holidays are two weeks.
3. They stay at a hotel next to a beach.
6. The black beach looks cool.
9. They run to the beach, swining their towels.
11. Sarah shouldn´t go further. There is a shark.
12. Sarah bites Eric´s toe.

2. At dinner
1. They must take a shower.
2. The black sand is everywhere, even in the hair.
3. They are all hungry.
4. They go down to the hotel restaurant for dinner.
5. The boys wear shirts and shorts, and the girls wear summer dresses.
6. The resturant is fantastic.
7. They sit by the window because the view over the bay is beautiful.
8. At the enormous buffet table.
9. He / Peter finds glasses with something red in them.
10. He finds them among the vegetables.
11. It is gazpacho, a vegetable soup.
12. Peter asks a waiter to heat it for him.
13. He puts the glass in a microwave oven and brings it back.
14. Everyone laughs because you eat gazpacho soup cold.

3. An e-mail from Lanzarote
1. Bay
2. Sea
3. Sharks
4. Balcony
5. View
6. Soup
7. Waiter
8. Confused
9. Heat
10. Tastes
11. Vegetables
12. Decide
13. For example
14. Even

4. Lots of stuff!
1. Balconies
2. Families
3. Babies
4. Toys
5. Stories
6. Ponies
7. Holidays
8. Keys

5. Sea animals
1. Barrakuda
2. Kattfisk, mal
3. Krabba
4. Delfin
5. Ål
6. Flundra
7. Manet
8. Makrill
9. Sjöjungfru
10. Bläckfisk
11. Sardin
12. Sjöhäst
13. Sjöstjärna
14. Haj
15. Svärdfisk
16. Tonfisk
17. Sköldpadda
18. Val

Text 16, relatives and friends

1. B) For old time´s sake
1. Happy New Year
2. Morning
3. Both
4. Of course
5. He´s fine
6. Diving instructor
7. New job
8. Chef
9. Cooking
10. Congratulations
11. Well done
12. Talk
13. Talk
14. Bye for now

2. What is happening?
a) Nises outside!
1. Are
2. Is
3. Is
4. Are
5. Are
6. Am

b) At midnight
1. Are drinking
2. Is wishing
3. Are sitting
4. Is smiling
5. Am talking/speaking
6. Are... laughing

c) What game are they playing?
1. Libby, what are you doing?
2. Eric and I are playing hide-and-seek.
3. He is looking for me.
4. I am hiding.
5. Are you helping him?
6. The parrot is flying from room to room.

3. Expressions
1. Happy New Year
2. Same to you
3. What time is it 
4. In the morning
5. I hope
6. How are you
7. We´re fine
8. Enjoy your stay
9. Of course
10. A dream come true

4. Not again!
1. Hour
2. Asleep
3. Loud
4. Asks
5. I don´t know
6. Midnight
7. Sleep
8. Good friend
9. Wish
10. Noise
11. Setting off
12. Along
13. Beach
14. Enjoy
15. In the autumn
16. Visit
17. Of course
18. Tired

5. Around the world
c. Figure out what time....
8.00 in London
3.00 in New York
midnight in LA
16.00 in Bejing
11.00 in Moscow
9.00 in Oslo

10.30 in London
5.30 in Toronto
00.30 in Hawaii
19.30 in Tokyo
21.30 in Sydney
11.30 in Copenhagen

17.45 in London
12.45 in Washington, DC
11.45 in Chicago
04.45 in Melbourne
01.45 in Singapore
19.45 in Helsinki

22.15 in London
22.15 in Reykjavik
17.45 in Montreal
14.15 in San Fransisco
02.15 in Dubai
00.15 in Tallinn

CHECK IT OU st. 11-15

1. Synonyms (BIG = LARGE)
1. Fast
2. Happy
3. Next to
4. Beautiful
5. Healthy
6. Awful
7. Chase
8. Enjoy
9. Speak
10. Great

2. Opposites 
1. After
2. White
3. Night
4. Late
5. Bad
6. Dark
7. Short
8. Evening
9. Old
10. Closed
11. Push
12. Answer
13. Noisy
14. Sunny
15. Stand
16. Wake up
17. Stop
18. Winter
19. Downstairs
20. Dry

3. Expressions
1. What does this mean?
2. What do you think?
3. It´s 7 o´clock
4. It doesn´t matter
5. Yes, it does
6. It´s a shame
7. You´re right!
8. Let´s do it
9. No problem.
10. I can fix it
11. Here you are
12. You´re joking
13. What´s missing?
14. He´s getting away
15. Never again

4. Who plays what instrument?
2. Plays. Doesn´t play
3. Play. Don´t play
4. Plays.  Doesn´t play
5. Plays.  Doesn´t play
6. Play. Don´t play
7. Play. Don´t play
8. Plays. Doesn´t play

5. Questions and answers
1. Do.  Play.  Don´t Play
2. Does.  Play.  Does
3. Does. Play. Doesn´t
4. Do. Play. Don´t. Play
5. Does.  Play.  Doesn´t. Plays
6. Do.  Don´t.  Play
7. Does.  Play.  Does
8. Do.  Don´t.  Play

6. Talking about Christmas
1. I think your Christmas tree is beautiful.
2. Yes, it is very beautiful this year.
3. Do you like Christmas?
4. Yes, I do. I enjoy the good food.
5. Do you have turkey for dinner today?
6. We eat ham. It isn´t so healthy.
7. Eat lots of fruit! It´s good for you.
8. I´m so happy about my new telescope.
9. Those blue lamps are awful.
10. Yes, aren´t they horrible?
11. You get your Christmas presents before us! That´s wrong!
12. You´re right. It´s not fair.
13. Do you know what you will get?
14. No, I don´t. It´s a surprise.

In school next day
1) envelope
2) tickets
3) concert
4) Rhinos
5) woollen scarf
6) have
7) clothes/clothing
8) freezing
9) gloves
10) madhouse
11) sharp
12) claws
13) playful
14) parrot

Text 15, Celebrating the New Year

1. The game
1) cups
2) tray
3) coin
4) pill
5) coal
6) broach
7) match
8) key
9) bread
10) cups
11) cupboard
12) turn
13) guests
14) game
15) excited
16) new year
17) celebrate
18) New Year´s Eve

2. Going to a concert
1) Will
2) will
4) won´t
5) will
6) will
7) shall
8) will
9) will
10) will
11) shall
12) will
13) will
14) shall
15) will
16) will

Text 14, Diamonds and pearls

1. Who does what?
1. Patrick
2. Freddy
3. David
4. Miss Cooper
5. Patrick
6. Freddy
7. Miss Cooper
8. Freddy
9. David
10. Peter
11. Freddy
12. Freddy
13. Miss Cooper
14. Freddy
15. Peter
16. Freddy
17. David
18. Miss Cooper
19. David
20. Patrick

2. Freddy´s job
1. Dangerous
2. Jewellery
3. Fast
4. Diamonds
5. Beautiful.  Necklace
6. Pocket
7. Reptiles
8. Frozen. Turkey.  Sack. Upside down
9. Nowadays

3. Jewellery
1. Your new ring is made of gold and diamonds
2. I have a pearl necklace. It is made of real pearls
3. My bracelet is made of glass beads
4. That broach is made of silver
5. These blue earrings are made of gold and sapphires
6. These beads are made of plastic, but those are made of wood.
7. There is a real ruby on this ring

4. End of PE class
1. Stop swimming
2. Stop diving
3. Start getting
4. Stop dancing
5. Stop watching
6. Start putting
7. Start counting
8. Start checking
9. Stop eating
10. Start moving

Text 13, Chasing Father Christmas

1. What is true?
1. S
2. A
3. N
4. T
5. A
6. C
7. L
8. A
9. U
10. S

2. Who is Santa?
1. Thief
2. Sack
3. Quick
4. Tennis net
5. Door
6. Badminton net
7. End
8. Door
9. Away
10. Nicked
11. Fast Fingers
12. Steals

3. People and animals
1. A talking parrot
2. A smiling girl
3. A welcoming word
4. Three singing birds
5. Five laughing boys
6. A hunting lion
7. An understanding teacher
8. A jumping monkey
9. A winning team
10. A swimming duck

Text 12, A ghost?

1. Clearing things up.
1) wakes up
2) ghost
3) surprises
4) pillow
5) throws
6) hits
7) head
8) crown
9) shrieks
10) covers
11) towel
12) cry
13) already
14) ruined
15) start over
16) sings
17) voice
18) laugh
19) misunderstanding
20) afterwards

2. Do or does? Don´t or doesn´t
1. Don´t
2. Doesn´t
3. Doesn´t
4. Don´t
5. Don´t
6. Don´t
7. Doesn´t
8. Doesn´t

b. What do they do?
1. Yes, I do
2. Yes, she does
3. Yes, they do.
4. Yes, he does.

c. What don´t they know?
1. No, they don´t
2. No, he doesn´t
3. No, I don´t
4. No, she doesn´t
5. No, he doesn´t
6. No, they don´t
7. No, it doesn´t
8. No, we don´t

Text 11, An old tradition

1. What is correct?
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. True
7. False
8. False
9. True
10. True
11. False
12. True

2. Everyone should be in bed
4. Emma has burning candles in a crown on her head
5. Peter is holding a wet towel
7. Peter wants to put out a fire
8. Candles are dangerous if they are burning

2. Can you find these words?
1. A tradition
2. A doorway
3. A dress
4. A crown
5. Towel
6. A key
7. Dagerous
8. Wake up
9. Put out
10. Hug

3. In the garden
1. Can we go/walk across teir garden?
2. No, we could scare the rabbits
3. You should always remember the animals
4. I will not light your candles yet
5. They mustn´t burn long

4. Do or don´t?
1. Don´t like
2. Don´t like
3. Don´t like
4. Don´t like

1. You don´t run to the bus
2. We don´t go to school on Sundays
3. I don´t sit near the door
4. They don´t know where we are
5. You don´t eat sweets

1. Do you help
2. Do they give
3. Do we read
4. Do you think
5. Do I put

1. Do you know
2. Don´t know
3. Do you like
4. Don´t like
5. Don´t we
6. Don´t go
7. Do you put
8. Don´t put
9. Do they play
10.don´t read
11. Don´t they read
12. Don´t think


1. What do they say afterwards?

A great picnic

2. Poor Sarah?
1) night
2) fireworks
3) enter
4) competition
5) light
6) bonfire
7) neighbours
8) applaud
9) behind
10) picnic
11) next to
12) burn
13) already
14) wig
15) hurry up
16) ruined
17) fault
18) kitten
19) gift card
20) owner

3. What have we got?
1) eggs, sandwiches
2) ham, cheese
3) hot chocolate
4) biscuits
5) birds, rabbits
6) interesting
7) buy
8) stand
9) healthy
10) sausage

4. People!
1. a singer
2. a dancer
3. a player
4. a swimmer
5. a painter
6. a jumper
7. a worker
8. a reader
9. a runner
10. a writer

1. Picasso was a great painter.
2. Johnny Weissmüller was a strong swimmer.
3. Paavo Nurmi was a long-distance runner.
4. Pelé was a fantastic football player.
5. Charles Dickens was an English writer.


1. First, second, third
Put the sentences in the correct order.
2. 8. 10. 7. 5. 12. 4. 6. 1. 3. 11 . 9

2. Marilyn!
1. a leg
2. a wig
3. an eye
4. a nose
5. a mouth
6. a glove
7. a skirt
8. an arm
9. a shoe
10. a head

1) wig
2) woman
3) tights
4) legs
5) shoes
6) skirt
7) shoulders
8) girl thing
9) neck
10) head
11) eyes
12) mouth
13) gloves
14) hurry up

3. See you later!
1) you
2) him
3) her
4) us  her
5) them
6) you
7) me
8) us

4. Look at the calendar....
2) the ninth of November. It´s a Monday
3) the third of November. It´s a Tuesday.
4) the fifth of November. It´s a Thursday. 
5) the twelfth of November. It´s a Thursday.
6) the fifteenth of November. It´s a Sunday.
7) the twenty-second of November. It´s a Monday.
8) the twentieth of November. It´s a Friday.
9) the twenty-first of November. It´s a Saturday.
10) the twenty-third of November. It´s a Monday.
11) the twenty-fifth of November. It´s a Wednesday.
12) the thirtieth of November. It´s a  Monday.

Text 8, A HERO?

1. Why is Brenda interested in Sarah?
1) Questions
2) article
3) sure
4) know
5) How old are you
6) eleven
7) How come
8) school
9) cousins
10) why
11) aunt
12) visit
13) interesting
14) lake
15) across
16) come on
17) be late for
18) wait
19) talk
20) of course
21) See you later

2. What words are these?
1. Newspaper - tidning
2. Admire - beundra
3. Interview - intervjua 
4. Yesterday - i går
5. Interested - intresserad 
6. Married to - gift med

3. What school subjects are these?
1. Geography
2. Biology
3. Maths
4. History
5. Swedish
6. Chemistry
7. Physics
8. Finnish

5. Girls must stick together!
1. My
2. Her
3. Our
4. Your
5. His
6. Their
7. My
8. Our
9. His
10. My
11. Their
12. Their
13. His
14. His
15. Your
16. Our

Text 7 AT THE POOL, facit till uppgifterna

1. Test your memory!
1) month
2) swimmingpool
3) big
4) new
5) dressing rooms
6) teachers
7) swimmers
8) strong
9) dive
10) water
11) (swimming) float
12) kicks
13) wave
14) scared
15) grabs
16) pulls
17) side
18) instructor
19) hero
20) saved

3. Maybe next week?
1) martial arts
2) ice hockey
3) ice skating
4) horseback riding
5) sailing
6) skiing
7) skateboarding
8) cycling
9) badminton
10) dancing

4. The rescue
1. love
3. takes
4. sinks
5. swims
6. want
7. grabs
8. hold
9. get
10. Cheer
11. Seems
12. Thanks

1. Go
2. Walks
3. Remembers
4. Forgets
5. Take
6. Like
7. Thinks
8. Says
9. Swim
10. Wants
11. Visit
12. Help

5. Join or not?
1) want
2) need to
3) must
4) must
5) could
6) will
7) can
8) can´t
9) could
10) wants
11) can
12) mustn´t
13) will
14) want
15) mustn´t
16) could

Text 6, A tough race

1. Text check:
1. The School Olympics are in October.
2. There are 9 pupils in each group.
3. The events are high jump, long jump, 60 m run, 400 m.
4. Around the sports field there are parents, grandparents, friends, teachers and classmates.
5. They watch, cheer and applaud after every event.
6. If she makes it, she can win a medal.
7. He was third in the 60 m race.
8. She can try three times.
9. Don´t look down! Look UP when you jump!
10. She is afraid of spiders.

2. Definitions
1. sports field
2. applaud
3. beat
4. medal
5. third
6. classmates
7. parents
8. friends
9. teacher
10. grandparents

3. Write the expressions
1. I´m nervous
2. You can make it!
3. Calm down!
4. Not a chance!
5. good at
6. How are you doing?
7. Not again!
8. Don´t look down!
9. Thanks for the tip!
10. Well done!

4. Who is better?

CHECK IT OUT, st. 1-5 s. 41-46

1. What belongs where?

In the music room:
a guitar
a piano
a clarinet
a saxophone
a trumpet
a microphone

In the doctor´s office:
a nurse
a cream
a swelling
a pain
a black eye

In the chemistry room
a test tube
a bottle
a Petri dish
a smell
a mix
a cupboard

At the museum
a guide
a picture
a painting
an original
a fake

2. What is the message!


1. What is true?
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. C

2. Who is the man in the black?
1) across
2) mysterious
3) scared / afraid
4) serious
5) strong
6) spy
7) secret agent
8) magician / wizard
9) aliens
10) polite
11) smile
12) triplets

TEXT 5, The surprise party

1. Who´s new?
1. Are you free after school tomorrow?
2. Why? What are you up to?
3. How about an extra band practice?
4. A band practice?
5. What for?
6. Fiona is new.
7. I´d like to hear her play the piano.
8. And it´s okay with Mr Barnes.
9. All right, see you tomorrow.
10. See you at four.
11. Okay, bye.

2. At the party
1. A glass
2. A mug
3. A bottle
4. A carton
5. A cake
6. A candle
7. A bowl
8. A dish
9. A box
10. A napkin
11. A plate
12. A spoon
13. A fork
14. A knife

c. Translate
1. A bowl of biscuits
2. A dish of chocolate
3. A carton of milk
4. A glass of orange juice
5. A plate of ice cream
6. A bottle of water

3. After the party
1. In
2. After
3. In front of
4. On the left
5. Close to
6. Under
7. On
8. On the right (to the right)
9. In the middle
10. About
11. Behind
12. Beside
13. Between
14. Without
15. From
16. To
17. With
18. For

Text 3. The wrong mix

1. Why? What? How?
1. They have chemistry/ They have a chemistry class
2. An experiment
3. It´s David´s birthday on Sunday
4. They plan a surprise party for him, after school on Monday.
5. They can tell him that they have an extra band practice.
6. They can have a potluck party.
7. They mix the wrong chemicals.
8. A stink bomb.
9. That is fantastic.
10. Open the windows.

2. What´s wrong?
1. Principal
2. Work
3. Work
4. Fresh
5. Awful
6. I don´t know
7. Downstairs
8. Teachers
9. Pupils
10. History
11. We must go out
12. Right
13. Windows
14. These pupils
15. Middle
16. What´s wrong

3. In the lab
1. chemistry lab
2. downstairs
3. interesting
4. equipment
5. cupboard
6. bottles
7. test tubes
8. awful
9. smell
10. mistake
11. principal
12. stand
13. Tuesday
14. group
15. surprise
16. birthday

4. This/these or that/those
1. this
2. those
3. that
4. these
5. those
6. these
7. that
8. this

5. -es (-iz)
1. chanses
2. wishes
3. glasses
4. boxes
5. bushes
6. benches
7. lunches
8. messages

Text 2.Swollen fingers

1. True or false
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. True
9. False
10. False
11. True
12. False
3. The weather is nice
5. Mark is not happy to be in school
6. Mr Barnes is the new form teacher
9. Deeba chases Helen around the classroom
10. Mark gets the piano lid on his fingers
12. His fingers aren´t broken but they hurt

2. Mark and the nurse
1. A man
2. Henry
3. She is ill
4. Next week
5. A cream
6. A pill
7. Two pills a day

3. Ouch!
1. Pain
2. Catch
3. Quiet
4. Swelling
5. Nurse
6. In love with
7. Instead of
8. Leave them alone
9. They aren´t broken
10. Lift the lid
11. You´re lucky
12. They really hurt

4. What´s the weather like today?
1. Sun, sunny
2. Windy, wind
3. Cloudy, clouds
4. Rain, rainy
5. Fog, foggy
6. Snowy, snow
7. Misty, mist
8. Storm, stormy

5. There is or There are?
1) There is, there isn´t
2) Is there
3) There isn´t, there are
4) Are there
5) there aren´t, there are
6) there is
7) There are, there is
8) Are there
9) there aren´t
10) Is there
11) there isn´t, there is
12) There are

Text 1. A hundred years old?

1. What? When? Why?
1. W
2. E
3. L
4. L
5. D
6. O
7. N
8. E

2. Why is the guide nervous?
1) nervous
2) call
3) upset
4) police officer
5) painting
6) check
7) walk around
8) touch
9) paint
10) teacher
11) witness
12) fake
13) museum
14) classmates
15) detective

3. What do the police ask Emma? Listen and find out!
1) What´s your full name
2) How old are you
3) How can we contact you
4) You can call me
5) phone number
6) +358 45 19 92 761
7) in September
8) then I´m
9) When
10) next summer
11) We live there

4. Months and days
1. December
2. January
3. April
4. Tuesday
5. Thursday
6. Wednesday
7. September
8. Monday
9. July
10. Friday
11. March
12. November
13. May
14. Saturday
15. October
16. June
17. February
Call the police at once!

5. Be or have/has
1. Am
2. Is
3. Are
4. Is
5. Have
6. Has
7. Is
8. Is
9. Are
10. Have
11. Has
12. Is
13. Are
14. Have

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