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Lappajärvi Upper Secondary School of Natural Sciences

Geolukio Lappajärvi provides general upper secondary education as well as a programme specialising in natural sciences. Our school is located by Europe’s biggest crater lake in Southern Ostrobothnia in Western Finland. This unique geological environment serves as the foundation for our natural science programme. The environment and nature are used as a learning environment but also for outdoor activities and for the benefit of well-being.

Our strength is the spirit of cooperation and belonging. The annual survey on school pedagogy reveals that students rate teachers as competent and inspiring. Everyone knows each other in a small school, so we can ensure a safe learning environment. Students also have easy access to necessary support in their studies. 

The upper secondary school was established in 1962. Throughout its history we have cherished strong traditions in international cooperation. Every year we organize an overseas school trip which almost all second-year students participate in. In addition, we engage in various international projects e.g. through EU-funded Erasmus and Nordplus programmes. In 2021 we launched a new project with a Japanese upper secondary school. The aim is to expand this educational and research cooperation into a student exchange experiment.  

 Geolukio Lappajärvi offers its students financial assistance in the form of a student housing supplement. Another benefit is access to the gym free of charge. Quite popular are the regular social nights organized at school in the evenings. The activities range from playing board games and watching movies to cooking together. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä