Espanjalaisten vierailu Kotkassa 11.10. - 19.10. 2018


The programme in Finland 11.10.-19.10.2018


11.10. Thursday -arrival to Helsinki airport 11:10

-arrival to Kotka 13-13:30


-15:00 -21:00
-Welcome “party”  in Luovi, on the seaside: sauna, swimming in the sea, food, open fire (frying finnish sausages and "tikkupulla"),  outdoor activities 


12.10. Friday
-school day

-a dance show in the evening  (Kyminsuu)


13.-14 Saturday-Sunday
-the families arrange the program


-9:00-11:00 ice skating

-lunch at school

-12:15 - 15.00 other Finnish sport activities 


16.10. Tuesday
- 7-20:30 a trip to Tallinn


17.10. Wednesday

-12:00-23.30 a trip to Helsinki:

-a tour in the city centre:the most important attractions

-amusement park Linnanmäki


18.10 Thursday

The programme of the day organized by Cursor:
-a visit to Town Hall of Kotka
-a bus tour in Kotka
-visiting the town  and the high school of Hamina
-a successful story of an entrepreneur:Thomas Halloran (Ikimedia)


19.10. Friday
-departure from Kotka 7:20




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