3E Spelling challenges

Spelling challenge:

Students receive a list of new words to practice spelling each Tuesday. If you’re absent from the lesson where you get the words, you should still practise them. All the new words can be found on Peda.net. 

The spelling challenge is on the following week's Monday. The spelling challenge consists of five new words and five words that are either old or fully decodable (for example “a boat”). The idea with old words is to encourage the students to try to remember the spelling of the words long-term and not just for the challenge.

If you’re absent you can do the week’s spelling challenge on the following week.

Full list of the new words below:

1. I
2. the
3. he
4. she
5. me

6. we
7. be
8. was
9. to
10. do

11. are
12. all
13. you
14. your
15. come

16. some
17. said
18. here
19. there
20. they

21. go
22. no
23. so
24. my
25. one

26. by
27. only
28. old
29. like
30. have

31. live
32. give
33. little
34. down
35. any

36. when
37. where
38. who
39. which
40. what

41. many
42. more
43. before
44. other
45. were

46. because
47. want
48. saw
49. put
50. could

51. should
52. would
53. right
54. two
55. four

56. goes
57. does
58. made
59. their
60. always

61. once
62. upon
63. also
64. of
65. eight


3rd grade:

66. love
67. after
68. every
69. mother
70. father

71. get
72. through
73. back
74. much
75. before

76. go
77. good
78. new
79. write
80. our

81. used
82. me
83. same
84. right
85. look

86. think
87. also
88. around
89. another
90. came

91. work
92. three
93. word
94. must
95. does

- fluffy
- river
- exciting
- adventure
- scary

96. part
97. even
98. place
99. well
100. such

101. here
102. take
103. why
104. thing
105. help

106. put
107. year
108. different
109. away
110. again

111. off
112. went
113. old
114. number
115. great

116. tell
117. men
118. say
119. small
120. every

121. found
122. still
123. between
124. name
125. should

126. home
127. big
128. give
129. air
130. line

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