English speaking classes in Kortepohja school in Jyväskylä

English speaking classes

The English speaking classes are intended for all children who have age-appropriate levels of Finnish and are interested in learning more through English. This could be for example children of foreign families, or children, who have resided for longer periods abroad and who have begun their education in English or for families whose children meet the required English levels and are interested in studying in English. The goal is to help your child reach fluent skills in both of the languages while having an engaging and fun, culturally rich learning experience. In addition, English speaking classes are open to Finnish students who have an interest in learning through English. 

In Jyväskylä the English-speaking classes are located in Kortepohja Elementary School and Viitaniemi Middle School. Grades one to six are taught in Kortepohja and grades seven to nine are taught in Viitaniemi. Students for the English-speaking classes come mainly from Jyväskylä, but they can be accepted from other municipalities as well if the municipality covers the costs of schooling.

The teaching of subjects and assessment of student work follow the Jyväskylä municipality curriculum. However, English speaking classes have their own distribution of hours: for example, students study less Finnish and more English compared to peers. Students in the English-speaking classes are given social and educational services according to the Finnish social security system.


The main language of instruction is English: the theoretical subjects are taught in English, but the key concepts are learned both in Finnish and in English. Finnish as a mother tongue –instruction and the instruction of other foreign languages are given through Finnish. Mainly in practical subjects, such as handicrafts or physical education, pupils might be integrated into the Finnish speaking classes. The overall goal of the studies is the student's fluent language proficiency both in English and in Finnish.

The teachers are either native speakers of English or Finns fluent in English. Currently we have a 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade and combined 5th and 6th grade class. The child will be placed to the year group according to his/ her year of birth.


The students who apply for the English-speaking classes should have an age appropriate proficiency in Finnish. If thinking of applying during the school year, please look at the Entry levels for English. 
Entry levels of English

The students who don't speak Finnish, will first attend the preparatory instruction organized by the City of Jyväskylä.

Before accepting the child to the English speaking classes the level of English and Finnish will be tested. Students go through an interview both in Finnish and in English. The purpose of the interview is to get a picture of the student's oral skills and the student's comprehension of both of the languages. In addition, students applying to the first grade, do a task in English where they are asked to draw according to the instructions. 

More information about can be found here.

Students applying to the second to sixth grade are interviewed and, in addition, the students do an age appropriate reading comprehension test in English and Finnish. Students' writing skills are also tested. 


The students who don't have appropriate Finnish skills, will first attend the preparatory instruction organized by the City of Jyväskylä and afterwards they can re-apply for the English classes. 

Students who stay in Finland less than 18 months and don't speak Finnish can join the English-speaking classes. In this case, the students are not taught Finnish at school. This option is mainly for the families which for some reason stay in Finland for a short period of time. Students staying longer, go through the normal language testing procedures in English and Finnish. 

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