In English

Parents' association in Kortepohjan väistökoulu Voionmaa

- Kortepohja Parents (KoVa) is an unregistered parents' association. It can be attended by all guardians who have students at Kortepohja school or kindergartens. We have expanded our operations to the kindergartens side so that we can already build the operating culture of the future kindergarten school.

- Meetings are every 1-2 months at school on weekday evenings. During the corona period, we use the Meet meeting. A school representative (principal) is always present at the meetings. In these meetings, we go through current issues common to the school and the home.

- KoVa has its own website, the link of which is prominently displayed on on the front page of our school. There you will also find the time of the upcoming meeting and a link to that Meet meeting. The informal communication channel is KoVa's WhatsApp group.

- The mission of the association is to support cooperation between home and school for the benefit of children. Class representatives act as a liaison, passing information between homes and the school. Class representatives are the voice of parents in meetings.

- We participate in the preparation of the school's operating instructions, the community student support group, the planning group of the future Kortepohja kindergarten school, etc.

- KoVa also acts as an influencer towards the city authorities and makes presentations on issues related to students' traffic safety and others.

- We cooperate with the Jyväskylä Parents' Forum. We have participated in events and trainings organized by the Parents' Forum.

- KoVa has been an active organizer of the annual "The World's Largest Parents' Event" conceived by the National Board of Education.

- The aim of KoVa is to help parents by organizing information evenings on many topics related to the well-being of children and young people, such as sex behavior and media education, tackling bullying and preventing it. Something has already been done, but we hope that, once the Corona situation becames better, these programs can start again.

- We have organized the Spring Market, in connection with which there is a lottery and an auction, the proceeds of which we have used for “Happy Movers” scholarships, which are awarded to 3rd graders. For 3rd graders because they are not awarded other scholarships. In addition, it is intended to provide sports equipment for breaks and to finance transport in connection with excursions.

- We encourages everyone to join KoVa on so-called low threshold to get involved. There is no obligation to attend, but you can come to the meeting when you have time. We all have some special skills or experience that we can share with others. An example of this is below:

- When Kortepohja school move to Voionmaa, our multi-skilled chairman Jussi Ahonen implemented his great idea and made a 360-virtual version of the new recommended (prepared by traffic planner Janne Hölttä) school trip, which was published on With this video, families were able to explore a new longer school trip in advance. The video will also be helpful for future first graders.