

Juva Secondary School was established in 1946 including the first five forms of secondary school and thus preparing students for secondary education, for example vocational school or upper secondary school. The last three years of secondary school preceeded academic studies. At early stage the trust fund supported by the municipal citizens of Juva played an important role in the maintainance of Juva Secondary school.

Niiranen, E. (1996). Historiikki. In E. Niiranen (Ed.), Pelakuu ja kapasitanssi: Juvan yhteiskoulu ja lukio 50 vuotta (pp. 5-13). Juva: Juvan kotiseutu ja Museoyhdistys r.y.

The buildings of Juva Secondary School and the church
in the late 1950s. In the upper-right corner the teachers
in 1949. (The picture archive of Juva Secondary School)

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