Tuesday 28th of June

This was day for grades: parents are invited to hear their child`s degrees, so the school was grouded. This is a nice habit also in high school to involve the parents to be involved in the schoolwork.
I started to collect information about INS Montmelo´s "tutorial plan" and for that I interviewed both students and teachers. Basically one tutor teacher is incharge of her class and they have one hour per week time for common themes and issues. Sometimes this hour is used for visit of the polis or social worker etc. It seems that we are facing the same kinds of challanges in our schools :)

We had a nice lunch with teachers together :) Excellent food and really interesting conversations.

In the evening there was a grant graduation event in the cultural hall!!

There was many persons in the stage: Javi, counsellor from the city hall, the Major, Albert the principal, the education inspector, the presentative of parents and the presentative of students.
Many presents and nominations were given in the party! some have won prices in the techology-, sports- or reading competitions, all the best students were also given special prices. The city pays the university´s first year´s fee for two of the best students!!
I got the great pleasure to hand out the nominations for Erasmus Horizon-project´s logo-game´s winners!: )

And of course there was speeches and videoshow, as have always too..

Today I learnt to say Muchos grazias!


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