Sanna´s job shadow in Montmeló in June 2016

Monday the 4th of July - my last day!

My last day begun with sad new from Mamen´s relatives :( She had to leave to meet them and our program was totally changed!!
I had a meeting with Albert, the principal. We discussed about the Horizon project, I told him about KA1-project possibilities and we also talked about having a "between-school´s" project in the future.
In the afternoon I visited two other teachers in their homes. Triu lives in Granollers and so I had the opportunity to visit the old centre of this lovely village.

With Triu and her two young sons we spend some time in the pool. We were talking about teaching and the differences in our countries, it was interesting to hear her comments, because she works also as a tutor-teacher.
In the evening we had a lovely dinner in Angels´s garden, with fresh eggs and fruits!

Now all feels really unreal - so so many things has happed during my stay!! I have met great teachers and had enjoyable talks with them!, I have eaten lovely food and tried also very new tastes for me :) and It had really been a pleasure and a privilegde to live with Mamen´s family, see their daily lives and to get to know them all well !!! :)

In the 5th of July I travelled home. I woke up at 05, my flight was at 8.10 and I was at home at 18.50 !!
Very tired - but very, very happy !!

The weekend with the family

During the weekend happened so many things... :)

On Saturday we had a planning meeting with Mamen, whilst the boys were playing football. We have had so many ideas for the future, and it has been so great to have these talks during these days! We also went to the beach in Barcelona, lovely weather, but very dirthy water...

On sunday we made a trip to Figeras (near Girona) and visited the Salvator Dali museum... that was quite a strange place with odd paintings but with some very beautiful jewellery!

We stayed for some time in a lovely beach Calella; swimming, playing volleyball and just enjoying the nice evening!

We ate a paella in the beach, that was lovely. Here I have learnt to love the big scrimps :)

Friday the 1st of July

Tänään oli koko kylä kiinni, myös koulu! Kylällä vietettiin Fiesta Major -juhlaa, joita täällä vietetään eri kylissä eri aikoina. Siispä meillä oli aikaa kunnon yhteiselle keskustelulle "Tutorial plan":sta!!
Mamenin kanssa on ollut erittäin antoisaa ja opettavaista keskustella ja vertaille työtämme. Hän toimii koulun ohjaus -työryhmässä, joka laatii kokonaissuunnitelman ohjauksen eri puolista, mm. poliisin, sosiaalityöntekijän ja terveydenhoidon vierailuista ja heidän aiheistaan. Meillähän suurin osa näistä aiheista on eri oppiaineiden opetussuunnitelmassa esim. yhteiskuntaopissa ja terveystiedossa.

Tämän jälkeen suuntasimme Barcelonan vanhaan kaupunkiin! Aika huikean kokoinen kaupunki!!! Autokaistoja 4 suuntaansa ihan keskustassakin, goottinen vanha keskusta on täynnä kapeita kujia ja kaikenlaisia putiikkeja. Vanhoja rakennuksia ja kirkkoja on joka kadunkulmassa. Lisäksi löytyy myös rantaa... kilometrikaupalla!!

p.s. only later I noticed that I wrote this one in Finnish... but I will let it be like that :)

Thursday 30th of June

Today I had meetings all day!
I visited the small studing group`s teacher.

I had a meeting with Erasmus -students. We had an evaluation discussion about the workshops, about hosting etc. We also talked about the expectations of those who are going to travel to Germany.
This was really a good meeting, it is important to hear students´ own opinions.

Today was teachers Claustre, that is their big meeting.

In the beginning of the meeting Marta, Christiane and Javi had a presentation about Erasmus project.
They presented our school and statistics about the evalutations. They also had 2 tasks for all teachers: first a little excercise about mindfulness and later the "Values"-task we had in Joutsa.
It was important for me as the coordinator of the Horizon project, to see how they work within the project between workshops.

I had also a meeting with my counsellin-collague! It was really interesting to hear about his work and compare it to mine. I found out that we are doing very similar kinds of tasks: meeting with students and their parents, planning their future together with them.. etc, the only difference was that here they have to do more official documents that I.

Tuesday 28th of June

This was day for grades: parents are invited to hear their child`s degrees, so the school was grouded. This is a nice habit also in high school to involve the parents to be involved in the schoolwork.
I started to collect information about INS Montmelo´s "tutorial plan" and for that I interviewed both students and teachers. Basically one tutor teacher is incharge of her class and they have one hour per week time for common themes and issues. Sometimes this hour is used for visit of the polis or social worker etc. It seems that we are facing the same kinds of challanges in our schools :)

We had a nice lunch with teachers together :) Excellent food and really interesting conversations.

In the evening there was a grant graduation event in the cultural hall!!

There was many persons in the stage: Javi, counsellor from the city hall, the Major, Albert the principal, the education inspector, the presentative of parents and the presentative of students.
Many presents and nominations were given in the party! some have won prices in the techology-, sports- or reading competitions, all the best students were also given special prices. The city pays the university´s first year´s fee for two of the best students!!
I got the great pleasure to hand out the nominations for Erasmus Horizon-project´s logo-game´s winners!: )

And of course there was speeches and videoshow, as have always too..

Today I learnt to say Muchos grazias!

Monday the 27th of June

The whole monday was for travelling... car, bus, plane, car.... and in the evening I was finally in Barcelona :)
In Helsinki-Vantaa airport the temperature was 16 and raining, but in Barcelona it was totally different.

It was like this in Barcelona:

Today I learnt so say Buenos noches !

My aims for the visit..

There is still few days for my departure, so this is a good time to tell my aims for the visit:
  • I started co-operation with INS Montmeló and Mamen (the teacher) already in the autumn 2014. Now I have a great chance to get to know their school, other teachers and whole schoolsystem better!

  • INS Montmeló is our partnerschool in the Erasmus+ KA2 "Horizon to the Future" -project. It will be a pleasure to meet the project team and most of all the students, and discuss with them about our project.

  • I also hope, that during the visit we can plan more our future co-operation possibilities.

  • One Big aim is to compare and discuss our "Tutorial" and counselling plans, and also get to know each others society´s educational system. We hope to learn new ideas from each other so that we can develop our work and methods. I will also learn more their administrative work!

  • Mamen is kindly asked me to stay with her family during my stay :) I will be totally fantastic to meet her family and see their daily lives!
  • One aim is also enhance my English and ict -skills. I have already translated my counselling plans and some materials into English and our working language will be English. It would be great to learn some Spanish too, I will take a dictionary with me, and start with it... :) Ict-skills has also already been used: during planning my visit we have used google drive, emails, whatsapp, I will also keep up this blog during my journey. Let´s hope Pedanet´s "maintenance break", they are having just next week, won´t make any problems for my blog... käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä