Final celebration in 12th of April 2018 at 13.00-15.00

Final ceremonies in 12.4.2018 at 13.00-15.00

Final ceremonies were for all our high school students, all pupils in grades 7.-9., teachers and our 15 guest teachers from partners schools. In addition we had invited all the neighbouring municipality´s teachers and the regional and local journalists to join our celebration.
The celebration begun with a video made by our students Aada Ikonen and Lotta Hannula, with this video they won a competition last year. Municipality´s presentative Lea-Elina Nikkilä and our principal Mika Sirkka both held us a speech. Our high school´s last year students Akseli Koskinen and Erik Kuitunen gave us a speech about the personal meaning that these international projects have to the participants. Two bands presented songs, one band is our new "Journey to France" -project´s consert band.
Each partner school´s students have made a video greeting to the celebration. In these videos they told us how they have learnt many things of the project: for example their language skills has enhanced, they have gained more courage, they have been extremely happy how the hostfamily had treated them with care and affection etc. Each partner school´s teachers had also prepared a video greeting. We did decide that these videos are aloowed to be funny, and they really was just that!
Each team was rewarded with a certificate to the school and a personal certificate. Coordinator Sanna Pienmäki was thanked by our school. An official photo of each team was taken.
The celebration was livestreamed to Joutsa high school´s Facebook, we had about 60 followers during the celebration.

Thank you for all students and teachers who participated in our celebration!
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