Rasti 6

Tunnista aikamuoto ja täydennä.

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Tunnista aikamuoto vihjeen perusteella (38p)
July 26

I (saavuin) in Olchani a couple of hours ago. It (on) late at night and I (olen) really tired. The flight from London to Nairobi (kesti) 9 hours and I (en saanut) any sleep. That (tarkoittaa) that I (en ole nukkunut) for two days. But I (en halua) to complain: I (olen) just happy to be here, finally!

July 30

I (rakastan) it here! I (olen tavannut) so many nice people and ( (olen) nähnyt) interesting places. People here (on) big families. My local guide, Tendaji. (on) four brothers and sisters - and that (ei ole) a lot!

August 10

We (menimme) to visit another local school yesterday. Tendaji (ei ollut ollut) there before either, so it (oli) exciting for both of us. There (oli) only 32 pupils in the school and I ( tapasin) them all. They all (halusivat) to talk to me. They (olivat kirjoittaneet) questions beforehand. I (en ole koskaan vastannut) so many questions in a day. Some of them (eivät olleet nähneet) a foreigner before. (Tiesittekö) that people here (puhuvat) Swahili, too? The pupils (opettivat) me some words: asante (tarkoittaa) thank you.

August 24

I (en voi uskoa) it's almost time to go back home. I (on ollut) the best month ever. I (olen oppinut) a lot and I (en koskaan unohda) this trip. Tendaji and I (olemme tulleet) really good friends. I (toivon) one day I (saan) a chance to show him around my hometown.

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