March 19th

March 19th

Maths 5th grade: 
Today we'll learn how to calculate the reduced price. I've put a video about this on youtube:Reduced Price
Please check the video and then carry on calculating the exercises on pages 120-121 and of course, the home corner 30. 

Maths 6th grade: 
Today we'll learn what positive and negative integers are! I've put a video about these on youtube:Positive and negative integers
Please check the video and then carry on calculating the exercises on pages 124-125 and of course, the home corner 31. 

English 5th grade: (these tasks are for both today and tomorrow)
We will start with a new chapter, called 'Movie Freaks', today. I want you to read chapter 14 out loud to your parent, sibling, dog, hamster, or bathroom wall, or whoever you got there to listen to your reading. In addition, I want you to learn the adjectives from Start-chapter and do exercises on page 156.  
Make sure that you understand what the chapter is all about and do exercise 4 on page 157.
During the weekend I want you to watch a movie that is in English. Remember the age restrictions! If you have a dvd player and a favourite movie, you can watch that, but disable the Finnish subtitles and choose English subtitles instead!
Next week you'll get to write me about the movie you watched in English. Don't worry, it won't be a difficult task! 

Svenska sjätte klass
- Kertaa 5. kappaleen sanasto s. 118-119 harjoituskirjasta. (revise the ch. 5 words)
- Jos sinulla on 5. kappaleesta tekemättömiä tehtäviä, jotka eivät ole kuunteluita, tee ne. (undone exercises in ch. 5)
- Träna mera s. 140-142

- Lähetä viime kerralla läksyksi tullut teksi, joka piti kirjoittaa vihkoon. Teamsissa on tehtävä tätä varten. Voit myös korjata omia virheitäsi samalla, jos huomaat niitä!
Palauta viimeistään ensi viikon ma 23.3.

Write the same text that you had written in your notebook. You can also fix your mistakes at the same time, if you notice them. There's a task in Teams for this.
Return at the latest on Mon 23.3.

Crafts 5th&6th grade: 

Look the first episode of the document series "Verta, hikeä ja t-paitoja" from Yle Areena.
Kirjoita vastaukset ja lähetä minulle viimeistään perjantaina, tai laita viesti miksi se ei onnistuisi. Voit ottaa myös kuvan ja lähettää sen minulle vastauksistasi. Tehtävä on Teamsissä!

Remember to write whole sentences! Answer in English at least to one of the questions.


Before watching the video?

  1. What is your relation to fashion and dressing up? How would you describe your style?

Videon katsomisen aikana tai jälkeen:


  1. Mitä on pikamuoti?
  2. Millainen on puuvillan luonne dokumentin mukaan?
  3. Kerro 3 asiaa, jotka yllättivät sinut.
  4. Kerro kaksi kysymystä, jotka tulivat mieleesi katsellessasi dokumenttia.