March 24th

Good Tuesday morning boys and girls!

I hope you'll have an excellent day!

Todays schedule: 

Religion 5-6: 
As you remember, the bible is divided into two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. Today we will learn more about The New Testament, p.76-79.

I want you to read the pages and use the internet to find answers to these questions:
1. The New Testament is divided into four different book groups. What are these book groups? (Eli mihin neljään kirjaryhmään Uusi Testamentti on jaettu?)
2. What is a gospel in a nutshell? (Mikä on pienoisevankeliumi?) Kirjoita se vihkoosi, joko englanniksi tai suomeksi. 
3. Mikä on apokalypsi? 

English 5-6: 
Today's topic is: phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs are phrases that indicate actions. They are generally used in spoken English and informal texts. Examples of such verbs include: turn down, come across and run into. Fraasiverbit muodostuvat taipuvasta osasta ja adverbista ja/tai prepositiosta. Verbin taipuva osa itsessään tarkoittaa eri asiaa kuin yhdessä adverbin ja/tai preposition kanssa. 
phrasal verbs.pdf
Please connect the phrasal verb with a correct definition! Remember to use the internet to search these phrases!
Yhdistä fraasiverbi ja oikea selite. (Esim. 2.=u). You can use your English notebook to write the answers, no need to print this! Voit käyttää englannin vihkoa vastausten kirjoittamiseen. Ei tarvitse tulostaa tätä paperia! You will get the answers next Tuesday!

Environmental Studies 5-6
Today we will carry on with chapter 30 by doing the exercises from workbook. p.98-100
(Here are translations for the questions in work book) 
1. a) In 1880, how long did it take to travel from London to
- Helsinki?
- New York?
- Tokyo?
- East coast of Australia?
b) How has the shortening of travel times changed people's lives?

2. What is culture?
a) Draw your own picture and answer to cultural questions.
Wha is your native language?
How does religion affect your culture?
What holidays do you have?
What are typical foods in your culture?
What kind of clothes are suitable for your age?
Give tree examples of good behaviour in your culture:
Give three examples of bad behaviour in your culture:
3. Conflicts between cultures
a) what kind of differences can cause conflicts?
b) what are the best ways to resolve these?
4. Opinions about globalization
a) explain the term globalization
b) fill in why globalization is a good thing and why is it a bad thing.

History 5-6
Let's go to museum! What can be a better place to study history than a museum!
Helsinki City Museum has generously offered a change to visit their museum online, so that we all can admire history despite the corona quarantine. 
Your task: 
1. Go to Helsinki City Museum 
2. Roam around (kuljeskele ympäriinsä) notice that there is actually quite a lot to see, the place is kind of a maze. Huomaa että museossa on itseasiassa aika paljon nähtävää. Paikka on vähän kuin labyrintti. 
3. Choose one room/exhibition that interest you and write why you chose that particular room. My particular favourite is room called "kasari" (the 80s) which was found from Aikakone (time machine) area. Just leave a comment to the return box below! 

Music 5-6
Coronavirus washing hands song has gone viral in youtube. 
You can find the video that shows how to wash your hands here
The original full song can be found here
And my own favorite, the Finnish translation song by, can be found here.
So what is your task? Listen to the song and learn the dance of course! 

Don't forget to go out to catch some fresh air!

Best museum exhibition!

Just give a comment about your museum visit! What was the best thing?
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