Ivalo, Oct 7 - 12, 2019

Interviews, Radio Inari podcasts

Some of the students from Ivalon lukio interviewed our Canadian guests on October 10, 2019. They talked about the FinAl 2.0 project and the differences and similarities between the Canadian and the Finnish educational systems. Here are the links to the interviews:
Cassidy, Katherine, Kayleigh, Jordan, Lily and Valerie were interviewed by Emma Huhtamella and Merituulia Leivo
https://radioinari.fi/onewebmedia/HAASTATTELU3.wav Steve Tymko, the principal, was interviewed by Veera Seppänen and Sanja Tuovila
https://radioinari.fi/onewebmedia/HAASTATTELU1.wav Barb Lemmens, math and textiles teachers, was interviewed by Janita Kaivosoja and Julia Piirainen

Special thanks to Radio Inari workers, who edited the recordings and provided us with the zoom-recording device and the links to the podcasts.

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