Interview time!

Two girls from Workshop 4 were so kind that they gave me a chance to Interview them. Here's what they had in mind:

Names: Sophia Hartmann (S) (on the left) & Heini Frost (H) (on the right)

Nationalities: S: German & H: Finnish

Ages: S: 19 & H: 16

What is different between your school and this one in Poznan?
S: "Our school doesn't have this much plants, and I think this Polish school is a bit cleaner than our own in Frankfurt."
H: "Our school in Iitti is much smaller."

What differences there are between your home country and Poland?
S&H: "The food is different, and people also eat so much in here. We're also impressed by the locals' hospitality and kindness!"

What do you think about your Workshop?
S&H: "We think the topic is very important, because we need to get rid of stereotyping and labeling in order to be able to live in a tolerant and equal world."