Educational Visits

Tekijä: Popi Spanou

History Class on the Museum ship "Georgios Averof"

The pupils of Grade 5 had the opportunity to visit an important part of  live history of Modern Greece.
They visited the battleship
Georgios Averof and they were guided on the ship learning all about its contribution to the Modern History of Greece.

"Georgios Averof
 (Θ/Κ Γεώργιος Αβέρωφ) , although popularly known as a battleship, she is in fact an armored cruiser  the only ship of this type still in existence. It was  built in Italy for the Royal Hellenic Navy in the first decade of the 20th century. The ship served as the Greek flagship during most of the first half of the century,the most modern warship in the Aegean at the time.

In the First Balkan War played a major role in the establishment of Greek predominance over the Ottoman Navy and the incorporation of many Aegean islands to Greece.

The ship continued to serve in World War I, the Greek-Turkish Warof 1919-1922 and the interwar period reiving a modernization in France in 1925 to 1927. Following the German invasion of Greece in April 1941, Averof participated in the exodus of the Greek fleet to Egypt."

From 1984 until today, she has been reinstated on active duty as a 
Museum ship in the Naval Tradition Park of our city.
(Faliro, Attica)

They also saw the Olympias Trireme , a reconstruction of an ancient Athenian trireme and an important example of experimental archaeology

A day at the Hellenic Maritime Museum of Greece

Last November the pupils of the 5th grade of our school visited the  Hellenic Maritime Museum of Greece, the biggest maritime museum of our country, in terms of the educational visits related to their  History lessons. Most nautical museums are located on the Greek islands like this one on the island of Andros.

However the museum we visited with our pupils is located in one of the marinas of the biggest port of  Greece , Pireaus near the city of Athens.  Here the children attended an educational course by the trained people of the museum and admired the works of important marine painters and saw various exhibits which demonstrate the nautical activity of the Greeks from prehistory to the present day, 5000 years of history:  ancient trireme models, historic vessels,warships and submarines,old anchors and  lighthouses,diving costumes the spongemen used to wear and a lot more.
They were also able to see a large collection of maps from the 16th century and embroideries, which express vividly the relationship of the Greek people with the sea.

 They were impressed by the Nautical Library and  the 2nd World War historic Greek submarine "Papanikolis".

You can see more in the image gallery that follows.

Attending a course about the protection of the sea environment

The pupils of the 6th grade attended a very interesting course, organized by HELMEPA* about the impact of the man on the sea environment. During the course they learnt about ways and methods of reducing our plastic footprint on the sea world. They filled in the worksheets given to them with the task to list their daily use of plastic items at home and give their feedback in the next course.

*HELMEPA is the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association

A Visit to ΑRCHELON, the Rescue Centre of the sea turtle Caretta Caretta

The young learners of our school, grade  A, after studying in their Language Class about the dangers that the sea turtles Caretta Caretta come through,  visited the Rescue Centre in the sea front of Athens. There they saw  a team of volunteers taking care of the wounded turtles until they recover and return to the sea.

Some information about the sea turtle Caretta Caretta
Caretta Caretta nests in the Mediterranean Sea and some Greek islands, like Zakynthos, Crete,Kefalonia and on  the western coasts of Peloponnese. They get trapped in  the fishermen's nets quite often,they swallow plastic bags,the babies lose their way to the sea because of the lights from  the beach bars so their number decreases day by day. 
It was a good lesson for the 1st graders who saw those  huge sea animals unable to help themselves  without the care of the environmental team.They promised to keep them safe whenever they see one in the sea or on the beach.
When they came back to school they made their own sea turtles. Kikker helped them, too!