Rules and guidelines from Nordplus handbook

Express mobility under 1 month
Students may also be awarded grants for shorter exchanges, so-called express mobility grants. The minimum duration of an express mobility is one week (5 working days). The express mobility is intended to broaden the possibilities for students to study abroad for shorter periods in cases where longer periods are not possible. This mobility scheme is also intended to encourage and to facilitate institutions to invite students from partner institutions in ordinary courses organised at the HEIs and thus promote internationalisation at home. The VALA network suggests that express mobilities last 1-2 weeks.

Work placements grants are awarded according to the same guidelines, criteria and rules as regular student mobility grants.
The following rules apply to student mobility grants:
  • The studies abroad shall be fully recognised as a part of the degree at the student’s home institution.
  • ECTS shall be used
  • The student shall not pay any tuition fees or similar fees during his/her stay abroad (with the exception of any student union fees)
  • The student shall live at his/her place of study; commuting between place of study and ordinary place of residence is not permitted
  • Confirmation of grant award shall be signed before payment is made
  • A learning/training agreement shall be signed before the exchange
In express mobility a final report on the exchange is not mandatory. However, a confirmation of the exchange and studies abroad has to be submitted. Students doing VALA mobility need to submit a short report on this site.

Financing mobility
The rates are maximum rates, thus the network can decide the level on each scholarship according to the total grant available. It is important that an agreement on the exchange and the scholarship is made before the actual exchange take place.

Travel rates:
To and from Greenland 1,300 Euro; To and from the Faroe Islands and Iceland 660 Euro
Between Denmark,Estonia, Finland, Latvia,Lithuania, Norway,Sweden and Åland 330 Euro

Accommodation/board rates for students:
Per day 20Euro; Per week70 Euro; Per month 200 Euro