Geoproject 2024-2025

Finnish - Italian Geoproject (Lappajärven geolukio and Liceo Classico Statale F. Vivona)

This projects aims to raise awareness of the preservation of the geological areas and ecosystems. By studying geological areas across different countries, the project can offer a more comprehensive and global prespective on environmental issues. This is crucial as many environmental challenges, such as climate change and natural resource depletion, are inherently global in nature.

The starting point is the analysis and comparison between geological areas in Finland and Italy. We will study the impact of tourism on the environment and try to establish good practices for sustainable development in order to support the local economy through sustainable tourism. The idea is to promote local culture and food traditions, but also to study the impact of nature on people's health and well-being. During the visits the students will collect samples, carry out surveys and do experiments with natural products. After collecting and analysing tha data, the students will conduct research work and produce a scientific paper to compare and make their results known.

The key objective is to make people recognize the interconnectedness of our planet's ecosystems and understand how even the smallest individual choices have an impact on the environment and climate change.

In summary, this project on comparisons an similarities between geological areas can enhance our understanding of the environment, promote global collaboration, and empower communities to actively participate in conservation afforts and make informed decisions.