TOK3 (IB2 year)

TOK3 Contents

I Areas of knowledge
- The Arts
- Mathematics

II TOK Essay

TOK3 Related Links

After the End of Art
A presentation by Arthur Danto

The politics of fiction
Elif Shafak TED-Talk on the topic

Links to the musical pieces:
- John Cage's 4'33" performed by a symphony orchestra
- Grigory Sokolov plays Siloti's arrangement of Prelude in B minor by Bach
- Paint The Town Red by Doja Cat
- Imagine by John Lennon
- John Lennon's Imagine rearranged by A Perfect Circle
- Leonard Cohen's Halleluja by by Espen Lind, Askil Holm, Alejandro Fuentes and Kurt Nilsen
- Worst Halleluja Ever

The mad scientist of music
Mark Appelbaum TEDx-Talk on the meaning of music

The simplest math problem no one can solve - Collatz conjecture
Veritasium video on the topic. This video explains something about the nature of mathematics and the methods and tools of mathematics.

Hilbert's axioms
Wikipedia page containing the central axioms of geometry

Philosophy of numbers - How do we know about numbers?
Numberphile video on the topic

Is math discovered or invented?
TED-Ed video on the topic

The Banach-Tarsky paradox
Vsauce video on the topic

The Banach-Tarsky paradox vs. the infinite shapeshifter
This Mathologer video is a response and a prequel to the Vsauce video

Surreal numbers
Numberphile video on the topic

Surreal numbers
John Conway's lecture on the topic. Conway is the inventor of surreal numbers.

The surprising math of cities and corporations
Geoffrey West TED-Talk on the topic

The magic of Fibonacci numbers
Arthur Benjamin TED-Talk on the topic

The beautiful math of coral
Margaret Wertheim TED-Talk on the topic