22IB TOK3 Schedules

22IB TOK schedules for school year 2024-25


Friday 9th of August (TOK2.01 SALS) and Tuesday 13th of August (TOK2.02 LAJM):
Welcome back to school with an arty TOK twist + The Arts I

Friday 16th of August (TOK2.01 SALS) and Tuesday 20th of August (TOK2.02 LAJM): The Arts II

Friday 23rd of August (TOK2.01 SALS) and Tuesday 27th of August (TOK2.02 LAJM):
History I

Friday 30th of August (TOK2.01 SALS) and Tuesday 3rd of September (TOK2.02 LAJM): History II

Friday 6th of September (TOK2.01 SALS) and Tuesday 10th of September (TOK2.02 LAJM):
Instructions for the TOK Essay + Introduction to the May 2025 Prescribed Titles (PTs)

Friday 13th of September (TOK2.01 SALS) and Tuesday 17th of September (TOK2.02 LAJM): Mathematics I

Thursday 19th of September (TOK2.01 SALS) and Friday 23th of September (TOK2.02 LAJM) (long lessons weeks from 8 till 12): Mathematics II + Working with the May 2025 PTs + Getting all the AOKs together for the May 2025 PTs + Getting started with the TOK essay + Deadline of the first interaction of the PPF


Friday 4th of October (TOK2.01 LAJM & TOK2.02 SALS):
Writing the TOK Essay

Friday 11th of October (TOK2.01 LAJM & TOK2.02 SALS): Writing the TOK Essay (LAJM absent)


Friday 25th of October (TOK2.01 LAJM & TOK2.02 SALS): Writing the TOK Essay

Friday 1st of November (TOK2.01 LAJM & TOK2.02 SALS): Writing the TOK Essay

Friday 8th of November (TOK2.01 LAJM & TOK2.02 SALS): Writing the TOK Essay

Friday 15th of November (TOK2.01 LAJM) and Friday 22nd of November (TOK2.02 SALS) (long lessons weeks from 08 till 16): Finalising the first submission and writing the second interaction of the PPF Deadline for the first submission of the TOK essay and the second interaction of the PPF


Friday 29th of November: Writing the TOK Essay (Teachers' feedback might not be done yet, but keep on going)

Wednesday 4th of December: CORE Afternoon


Friday 13th of December: Writing the TOK Essay

Friday 20th of December:
Writing the TOK Essay


Friday 10th of January: Writing the TOK Essay

Friday 17th of January: Writing the TOK Essay

Thursday 23rd of January (long lessons week from 8 till 16): Deadline for the FINAL submission of the TOK essay and the third interaction of the PPF => ALL TOK RELATED THINGS DONE!!!

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