Course Materials

Course Materials

Holbeche, L. 2006. Understanding Change. Theory, Implementation and Success. Butterworth-Heineman, London.

Other readings for the course are listed below attached to the appropriate session. Please note that in the references below, a proper APA writing style is not used because of the internet references. However, make sure that you use the proper references in your work.

Supplementary readings

Transformational change

Boje, D. 2000. Transformational leadership.

Brinks. 2012. Leading Transformational Change in a Large Urban School District.

Nichols. 2008. Authentic transformational leadership and Implicit leadership theories. Thesis.

Steinberg, Malarkey, DeDalvatore, Cushman, Almeida & Allen. 2000. Re-inventing High School: Six Journeys of Change.

Readings related to assignment S2_L4 Page

1. Avolio & Gardner. 2005. Authentic leadership development: Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership. Thesis.

2. Mafora. 2013 Why Leading for Transformation in South African Township Secondary Schools Fails: Views from Deputy Principals.

3. Stewart. J. 2006.. Transformational Leadership: An Evolving Concept Examined through the Works of Burns, Bass, Avolio, and Leithwood. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, Issue #54, June 26, 2006

Readings related to assignment S4_L5

1. King, S. 2006. Emotional dimensions of major educational change: A study of higher education PBL curriculum reform. School of Health Sciences. University of Australia. Paper presented to: Australian Association for Research in education (AARE) Conference 'Engaging Pedagogies'.

2. Pedersen. 2002. Managing emotion in organisational change. Emotion management as power.

3. Palmer & Waal. 2011. School change and Emotional Intelligence.

Readings related to session 1 and assignment S1_L5 (Session1, Lecture 5)

Before lecture 1:

Organizational change: Managing the human side. 1999. APQC. American Productivity and Quality Center. (Organizational change in the corporate world -orientation.)

Izumi & Taylor. 1999. Planned organizational change as cultural revolution. Management Development Forum. Empire State College. (Related to organisational effectiveness.)

After lecture 5:

Assignment 1 A. The ‘classics’ Greiner, Kotter, and Lewin:

  1. In Mainiero, L. and Tromley, C. Developing Managerial
    Skills in Organizational Behavior: Exercises, Cases,
    and Readings (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall) (2d
    ed. 1994), pp. 322-329: Description about: Evolution and Revolution as
    Organizations Grow. Larry E. Greiner
  2. Review of: Kotter, P. 1995. Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail.

  3. Lewin, K. 2001 (2008) groups, experiential learning and action research.

Assignment 1 B. Systemic change:

4. SEDL. Leadership for systemic change.

5. Levin, B. & Fullan, M. Learning about System Renewal. Educational Management Administration Leadership 2008.

6. Harris, A. 2010. Leading System Transformation.

Assignment 1 C. School development and change - Cases of school change:

7. Galab, Jones, Latham & Churches. 2013. Community- based accountability for school improvement. A case study.

8. Wilson & McPake. 2000. Management Style? Managing Change in Small Scottish Primary Schools: Is there a Small School?

9. Mike Wallace, Managing the Unmanageable?: Coping with Complex Educational Change. Educational Management Administration Leadership 2003.

10. Yoshida. Walker High School Case Study. Consortium for Policy Research in Education