At the doctor's /Useful expressions

At the doctor's /Useful expressions


At the doctor’s /Useful Expressions


  • How can I help you? / What is the problem?
  • How long have you been feeling like this?
  • Are you on any sort of medication?
  • Do you have any allergies?
  • Let me examine you.
  • Can I have a look?
  • Where does it hurt?
  • Does it hurt when I press here?
  • I am going to take your blood pressure /temperature /pulse.
  • Could you roll up your sleeve,please?
  • Open your mouth, please.
  • Cough, please! [kaf]
  • I’m going to give you an injection.
  • You need a few stiches.
  • Your arm/leg is probably broken.
  • I want to send you for an X-ray.
  • We need to put it in a plaster. (= kipsi.)
  • We need to take a urine [ju:ri:n] sample (= virtsanäyte) /blood sample.
  • This cut looks infected. (= tulehtuneelta)
  • I’m going to prescribe you some antibiotics / painkillers / a syrop for your cough/a cream for your rash etc.
  • Take two of these pills twice a day.
  • I want you to see a specialist.


  • I have got a temperature/ sore throat /headache etc.
  • I’ve been having these headaches for…. weeks.
  • I have got a pain in my back /chest etc.
  • I’m in a lot of pain.
  • I have been feeling sick. (= Olen ollut huonovointinen /voinut pahoin.)
  • I think I’ve pulled a muscle in my leg.
  • I am asthmatic /diabetic /epileptic etc.
  • I have difficulty breathing.
  • I’ve been having difficulty sleeping.
  • I need a sick note. (= lääkärintodistus sairaslomaa varten)

For more expressions for the patient: See separate HANDOUT : "Health Files"