Arts talk about us
Final Meeting in Rovinj, Croatia 27.7.-31.7.
During the meeting participants were able to discus the final outcomes of the project, plan the leaflet for Erasmus Results Platform, record a video of experiences and results and wotrk on the final report with the coordinator.
TPM Tecuci Cosmesti 22.9.-28.9. 2019
![Romania TPM meeting.jpg](
Transnational Project Meeting in Romania.
Participants from six countries took part in a Transnational Project Meeting in Romania. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the ongoing project, all the activities, dissemination and evaluation as well as the final report. Romanian team had organized a cultural and artistic week for all participants. We visited two schools and took part in a concert. We also visited some cultural sites, a salt mine for example.
Activities agreed for the remaining period:
- UD 8: Architecture and sculpture
- UD 9: Dictionary of art
- UD 10: Movies
- UD 11: Opera and ballet
In addition all countries will have the annual activities: Peace Day, International Childrens' rights Day ad Creative Winter.
Arts talk about us, Ostrava, Tsekin tasavalta 11.-15.3. 2019
Arts talk about us, Ostrava, Tsekin tasavalta 11.-15.3. 2019
Arts talk about us
Koulumme yhteistyö Erasmus+ projektin merkeissä jatkui Tsekin tasavallassa, Ostravassa, 11.-15.3. 2019. Mukana olivat tällä kertaa Hanna-Kaisa Malinen, Mari Hämäläinen ja Jyrki Manninen. Maanantaina 11.3. matkustimme Ostravaan ja illalla oli kaikille eri maiden osallistujille lämmin tervetuliaistilaisuus. Olimme saaneet etukäteen viikko-ohjelman, joten tiesimme aikataulun, jonka mukaan meidän piti toimia. Tiistaina tutustuimme Zakladni Skolaan ja menimme 4.-luokan opettajan Radka Cocodackin luokkaan. Koulu on lähes 700 oppilaan yhtenäiskoulu, jossa oppilaita on lastentarhalaisista yläkoululaisiin. Opettajia, ohjaajia ja muuta henkilökuntaa on lähes sata.
Mari Hämäläisen ja Jyrki Mannisen työpajan aiheena olivat Muumit ja Hanna-Kaisa työskenteli yhteistyössä koordinaattori Alenan kanssa koodaamisen maailmassa ala- ja yläkouluikäisten kanssa. Opettaja Malinen loi neittisivuilleen oppituntikokonaisuuden flipped classroom-hengessä (Edpuzzle,, padlet..) Opettajat Hämäläinen ja Manninen tutustuivat uuteen oppilasryhmäänsä `muumiverkon` avulla. Jokainen lapsi sai kertoa oman nimensä, perheen jäsenet ja mahdollisen harrastuksen englannin kielellä. Kerroimme myös itsestämme ja esitimme heille Joensuu-videon. Tämän jälkeen esittelimme muumihahmot luonteenpiirteineen ja siirryimme muumihahmojen tekemiseen. Saatuamme hahmot lähes valmiiksi, harjoittelimme Hei muumit- laulua tsekkilasten kanssa suomen kielellä. Päivän lopussa laitoimme kuvataidetyöt esille ja jokainen sai Muumi-aiheisen kotitehtävän.
Keskiviikkona 13.3. kertasimme laulua ja jatkoimme edelleen melodian harjoittelua. Tämän jälkeen siirryimme työpajassamme toiminalliseen osioon. Opetuksen toiminnallistaminen oli ehkäpä koulun lapsille hieman uutta, koska varovaisen arviomme mukaan työskentely tapahtui pääasiassa perinteisesti luokkahuoneen sisällä. Olimme kätkeneet Muumi-aarteita koulun käytäville ja he saivat ryhmittäin etsiä niitä. Kussakin ryhmässä oli kirjuri, jolle kerrottiin, mistä aarteet olivat löytyneet. Eri värisistä muumi-aarteista sai tietyn pistemäärän. Jatkoimme edelleen laulun työstämistä ja hioimme laulua esityskuntoon. Toteutimme myös toisen kuvataidetyön päivän aikana.
Torstaina harjoittelimme edelleen ja olimme tyytyväisiä osaamiseen. Kaikkien maiden työpajojen ohjaajat esittivät ryhmänsä kanssa työpajojensa aikaansaannokset. Torstaina olikin peräti kolme esiintymistä. Kaksi niistä oli suunnattu oppilaille ja illalla esiinnyimme koulun vanhemmille. Myös Arts talk about us-projektin opettajat esittivät muutaman laulun rehtori Marek Pabjanin johdolla.
Perjantaina vierailimme koulun opettajien oppitunneilla.
Viikon aikana saimme paljon tietoa Ostravan kulttuurihistoriasta ja teimme vierailuja erilasiin kohteisiin. Kävimme myös Oopperassa ja jääkiekko-ottelussa. Viikko oli erittäin onnistunut ja opintomatkamme syvensi entisestään eurooppalaista yhteistyötä ja pedagogiikkamme vahvistui Erasmus+ projektin tavoitteiden suuntaisesti.
Mari Hämäläinen, Jyrki Manninen ja Hanna-Kaisa Malinen
Transnational Project Meeting in Ostrava Czech Republic 11.3.-15.3. 2019
Transnational Project Meeting in Mutala School, Joensuu/Finland 17.-21.92018
I'm really happy and proud that I could partcipate in events in Mutala school last week.
As the first I must say that I enyojed your hospitality very much. Thank all of you.
Organitation was perfect and I think that we got the moust of Finland in such short time as much as we did a lot four our project.
Feeling so well and welcome, inspired by work in your school and with energy of all of us we could be really creative in finding new ideas for our work in the project.
Folk evening showed how art may be connection beetween people who speak diferent languages and live in diferent cultural sourroundings.
By giving us (me) oportunity to do also job shedowing you and your coleagues inspired me to develop more my work. Yesturday I wrote new project for my school about School in the move. I would like to go, little by little, following your steps and do something to get children off the chairs during the school time.
I think that you are doing really good job in your school.
Thank you!
Hello, here are some words, sorry for spelling the names and I also did not visit all your teachers so I cannot mention them.
1) Jurki
Crafts, workshop, Math lesson
(I studied for teaching woodwork) - We saw part of the lesson , I really liked the game they were making, and then he took us to the cellar to see what materials he can use and where pupils paint their products, he showed us also what other products pupils can make, it was going through the curriculum in 5 minutes. He was very helpful to one pupil and I could see that he loves his work and his pupiils.
Workshop was great, he translated only when needed but he became my real partner by clapping the rythm and explaining the movements which he learnt by watching me during the workshop. He was involved in it.
Math lesson - I could see the whole normal lesson, how he revises, explains, uses IT teaching material and how pupils work, He took the time to show me everything. I felt welcommed in his lesson and your school because of all the little things he has done.
2) Hanna-Kaisa - 2 English lessons + the project + the resset
I loved your lessons and that you explained the methodology and in your little free time that you had in those days you also took the time to answer my questions and showed me the visuals and other things you use in your lessons. The same applies to the resset, thanks a lot.
3) crafts the first day, I forgot who was it (a half of class) - jobshadowing
A great teacher and I like the way how pupils plan their work, progress is photographed and the final assessment is made - this is what I am taking from her lesson. She is also very creative, we some products pupils can make.
4) Owe - math teacher - he was solving a problem with class so he did not want me in the class at first but later he went back to the teachers room to find me, explain and invite me back to the Math lesson which was very nice of him. I could see the textbook for class 6 and I could compare with staff we teach.
5) Risto - when I came I saw the magic man in his class and then he took me to the teachers room to see it for the second time and it was still great and I still do not know how the tricks work.
5) Tarja - display
I watched her when she was preparing the picture display when the others were going home, she was very helpful to me with the little dolls which I brought for this display eventhough she was so busy.
6) the trip to Koli and dinner in our cottages and in Botania were great moments, I felt very welcommend because their were devoting their free time and asking questions about my culture and sharing the time.
7) The cook in your kitchen worked over time on Monday to feed Marek who was late. The food was delicious.
8) Thanks for the refrishment in the teachers room, I do not know who provided it but it was nice to have it there :-)
Thanks to Hanna-Caisa and Finnish teachers for the beautiful days spent in your school. Thank you for sharing time with us, that you have shown us a little of your culture and experience, that you have made us feel great in your country, in your city, in your school. You were wonderful, teachers and children and that's why we thank you!
Romanian team: Axene Ionica
Mititelu Mioara
Istudor Aurelia
First of all I´d like to thank you and to all your colleagues for their hospitality, kindness and willingness to answer all of my questions. Thank you for showing us more than what we expected and that you accepted us as a part of your educational team even for just one week.
In my work as the school librarian and the Erasmus+ project coordinator it is also very important to promote the sustainable development. I notice that your school truly transforms the theory of sustainable development into practice. You care for children, the elderly, the environment and the entire local community. You try to develop trust in each other and demonstrate your sincerity by allowing everyone to evaluate your work (pupils, parents, local authorities, international teachers).
The Folk evening was very successful because all pupils participated and learn a lot about different kind of theatre, music, dance, movie, painting…Some of our performances have connected the modern styles and the traditional heritage. It is also very good that some of your parents have been given the opportunity to support your evening.
In the attachment you will find some of my favorite photos and videos from your school.
Best greetings,
Antonija Lujanac,
Dobrisa Cesaric Primary School
K.Š.Đalskog 29
10000 Zagreb
Me and Stefano, we would like to thank you and all your school staff for the great work you did
in organizing and leading the Joensuu meeting, which has been for us a wonderful experience.
Adapting to your school organization has been so stimulating for us, coming from a different system.
The workshop for me was exciting. Teaching ensemble music, and doing it in English, is my favorite,
and having a live performance as final target has been useful for a productive job, as I think we all did.
Also Stefano is very happy of his workshop. Seeing children not leaving their work even during breaks
has been so satisfying, meaning they were really enjoying the activity.
I feel that after this meeting we’ll go on planning the next activities with even more enthusiasm.
Very good job then, and thanks a lot for thinking and organizing these days!
Also the lodging was great, the cottage was comfortable and relaxing, and the personnel was so kind.
It would be fantastic if I could always go to school by bike!
I hope we’ll be able to be as perfect as you were in organizing our 2020 meeting,
I don’t know how we’ll manage to do it, but I know that this meeting has been a wonderful example to follow.
Speak and hopefully see you very soon.
A big hug to you and all the school staff!
Alberto and Stefano
Dabrowa nad Czarna 14.5.-18.5.
Viikon sisältö oli läpileikkaus taiteeseen.
- Historiallinen miniatyyripuisto ja rakennustaide
- Opettajien taidepajat
- Käsintehtyjen joulukoristeiden maalausta
- Konsertti
- Arts Talk About Us-laulun sävellys ja sanoitus
- Paperinvalmistustyöpaja, kasvivärjäys (marmorointi), sinetti ja sulkakirjoitus
- Esiteltiin tapaamista valmistellut "I lend you this book", koulujen esittelyvideot, Legendat.
Suomen hankekokouksen valmistelua, tehtävien jakoa.
Valencia 20.-22.3. -18
Arts Talk About Us
Vierailimme Erasmus+ "Arts talk about us"-projektin 20.3.- 22.3. aikana Valenciassa, Espanjassa. Tiistaina 20.3. aamupäivällä meille esiteltiin viikon ohjelma ja projektin mukana olevat uudet henkilöt. Aamupäivän aikana kiertelimme myös koulun tiloissa ja meillä oli upea tervetuliaistilaisuus Ceip Vicent Ricart i Bonillo- koulun pihalla. Lapset, koulun henkilökunta ja opettajat toivottivat eri maiden vieraat lämpimästi tervetulleiksi. Koulussa oli todella paneuduttu kuukausien ajan erittäin monipuolisesti taiteen suomiin erilaisiin mahdollisuuksiin. Vierailumme aikana koulun oppilaiden työskentely painottui lähes kokonaan taiteen tekemiseen ja siitä nauttimiseen. Tiistaina juhla huipentui koulun pihalla valencialaiseen perinteiseen pohjautuvaan Fallas-tapahtumaan. Keskiviikkona 21.3. pidetyssä kokouksessa esittelimme mm. Suomen koulujärjestelmän, keskustelimme projektin eri maiden oppilaiden työskentelystä ja arviomme myös kodin ja koulun välisiä eurooppalaisia yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroavaisuuksia. Iltapäivällä Erasmus+ -vieraille oli järjestetty oppaan johdolla kolmen tunnin ajan mahdollisuus tutustua Valencian erittäin mielenkiintoiseen ja monipuoliseen historiaan. Torstaina 22.3. tutustuimme Mobility tool-ohjelmaan (esim.budjetti, Etwinning, liikkuvuudet) Elena Buranovan esittelyn pohjalta. Torstaina Puolan kokouksen isäntä kertoi seuraavan kokouksen tavoitteita ja sisältöjä. Opintomatka antoi paljon hyödyllistä tietoa ja erilaisia näkökulmia monipuoliseen taiteen tekemiseen erityisesti projektien kautta.
Jyrki Manninen ja Hanna-Kaisa Malinen
Transnational project Meeting in Valencia
Next Activities:
- Video presentations of schools and about daily school life
- What is Art? (Pupils' interviews)
- Folk tales
- Literature Month
- School Education Systems
Seuraavat toiminnat:
- Esittelyvideo koulun toiminnasta
- Mitä taide on? (Haastatellaan oppilaita)
- Kansantarinat ja -sadut
- Kirjallisuuskuukausi
- Maiden koulutusjärjestelmät
Zagreb, Kroatia: Transnational Project Meeting 29.11-1.12.2017
Activities before Valencia Meeting
- Logo Contest
- Online Calendar with our partners' holidays
- Here we are! Who are our friends?
- Creative Autumn
- Educational Systems
- Holidays in our partners' countries