NordPlus Junior: With a little help from our friends
With a little help from our friends
Our project is called With a little help from our friends. In this project we want to learn new points of view and strengths of our pedagogical ideas and get acquainted with physical, psycho-social and pedagogical learning environments in Mutala School and Näfsby School. We want to build future school together even though we live in different parts of Finland.
The objectives are to 1. familiarize ourselves with each others mother tongues and cultural background (history, geography, flora and fauna and livelihood), 2. ICT as a tool of learning: to use ICT technology and produce a digital book of both school's learning environments/landscapes, 3. To build a common platform for the project on, 4. To learn together how to create VR-learning material by producing a 360° video presenting our schools (f.ex. Thinglink) and watching it with VR-glasses, 5. Get to know each others daily school life via Facetime or some other communicating tool. 6. Comparing the culture of North Carelia/Mutala School and Åland/Näfsby School and discovering the similarities as well as differences by visiting each others schools during the project. The project is described, produced and evaluated in digital form. Our aim is to create a larger project with multiple Nordic partners based on the experiences gained in this project.
Project is conducted in co-operation with pupils parents, outcomes will be shared on internet, parents evenings, teachers meetings, newspapers and other local and national education events Mutala School participates in.