Our trip to Lübeck

Our trip started early in the morning and we had to meet up at our school around 4 am. We were all very tired but we still managed to get there just on time. At the school there were a bus waiting for us which took us to the airport. Everyone was quite sleepy but excited about the whole trip. We listened to a bunch of songs and talked our whole way through to the airport.
At the airport we had a few hours of free time after we had dropped our suitcases to the aircraft hold. The clock was running quite fast and suddenly it was our departure time. Our flight went well and we arrived to Lübeck on time. We got to meet up with some polish people at Lübecks train station which was our destination after the airport.
Down below you can see a photo of Ella which has been taken the time when we were walking in Lübeck and finding our way to Ernestinenschule.

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