Valtakunnallinen koe

A: Today´s News (videokuuntelu)

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Katso video ensin kokonaan, sitten tauotettuna. Vastaa kysymyksiin. Valitse oikea vastusvaihtoehto.

1. What was the destination of the flight?

2. What is the situation at the moment?


3. What is said about school uniforms?

4. What are the differences between uniforms for boys and girls?


5. Why was Katariina given a prize?

6. What did she do?


7. What was the result of the badminton tournament?

8. What had happened to the courts?


9. What is the weather like on the coast in the morning?

10. What is the weather like in the north in the afternoon?

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B: Being interviewed on the street (reagointi) LINKKI

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Olet lomamatkalla New Yorkissa ja kävelet kadulla. Yhtäkkiä sinut pysäyttää kaksi henkilöä, toisella on videokamera ja toisella mikrofoni. Reagoi kuulemaasi englanniksi. Muista olla kohtelias!









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A: Midsummer around the world (LUETUNYMMÄRTÄMINEN)

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Lue teksti ja valitse oikea vaihtoehto kohdissa 1–8 ja suomenna tekstin tummennettu osa (kohta 9) vastauslomakkeelle.

Midsummer, or summer solstice, as it is also called, celebrates the longest day of the year and it is considered to be the starting point of summer in the northern hemisphere. For us Finns, this usually means escaping to summer cottages, going to the sauna and enjoying nature through the night full of light. But did you know that midsummer is celebrated throughout the world?
In the United States, a well-known midsummer celebration is the day-long yoga on Times Square. Hundreds of yoga enthusiasts gather to practice this ancient relaxation technique. Serenity is also present in the U.K., where thousands of modern-day druids and other people gather at the famous World Heritage landmark, Stonehenge, to see the sun rise on summer solstice. The occasion is quiet and reserved, and the only form of alcohol that is accepted is the ceremonial mead.
The Canadians on the other hand have had the tradition of organizing a late-night baseball game for over a hundred years already. The Midnight Sun Game is said to have originated in 1906, when the purpose of the game was to convince the people to rebuild the town after the Fairbanks downtown had been destroyed by a fire.
Fire is present in several countries as part of the festivities. Bonfires are common both in Finland as well as the other Nordic countries. In Austria, it is customary to light fires along the mountains. In some countries, for example Latvia, it is also very popular to leap over burning bonfires. The Latvians also dress up men named ‘Janis’ with a crown made out of oak leaves.
Some celebrations are less tranquil. In Portugal, it is customary to carry flowering garlic plants and hit people on the head with them. This tradition supposedly stems from St. John, who was often hit on the head as a youngster so that he would steer away from troubles. There are also more controversial midsummer festivities. One that sparked quite a lot of outrage was the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China. The festival was first organized in 2009. There have been efforts to ban the eating of dog meat, but so far they have been unsuccessful.

1 What is one of the ways of spending midsummer in the U.S.?

2 What kind of an event is arranged at Stonehenge?

3 What was the original aim of the Canadian baseball game?

4 How is midsummer celebrated in Latvia?

5 What peculiar tradition is related to midsummer in Portugal?

6 Why was St. John supposedly often hit on the head?

7 What has caused outrage related to the Chinese festivities?

8 Has the Chinese festival gone through any major changes?

9 Suomenna tekstin osa: it is considered to be the starting point of summer in the northern hemisphere.

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B: Death or down under? (LUETUNYMMÄRTÄMINEN)

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Lue teksti ja vastaa kysymyksiin vastauslomakkeelle suomeksi.

Some of the most uncommon Australian World Heritage Sites might be the Australian convict sites which are spread in eleven different places around Australia. The British Empire condemned criminals, delinquents and political prisoners to these penal sites during the 18th and 19th centuries. Around 166,000 men, women and children over nine years of age were sent to Australia over the span of 80 years. This transportation and forced labour was implemented on a large scale both for criminals and for people who were convicted for relatively minor offences. (1)

There were 19 crimes that could lead a rogue to receive a sentence second only to death in its severity — being sentenced to live in Australia rather than receiving a death penalty. The crimes could vary from petty theft (pick-pocketing under 1 shilling, stealing clothes from a clothes-line, receiving stolen goods), to more serious burglary or breaking and entering, highway robbery (often involving violence), stealing clothing, jewellery or other household items (common among females who worked as domestic servants or prostitutes), stealing animals, prostitution and political protests to the most serious crimes of assaults (the number of convicts transported due to crimes of violence was fewer than 5%).
(2, 3)

The First Fleet of 11 ships left Portsmouth for Australia in 1787 with more than 1,480 men, women and children on board. The journey wasn’t easy — hunger and diseases roamed among the convicts closed in tight quarters. The voyage took three months and many lives. Once the British arrived in their colonies the Aboriginal people who had lived there in isolation for 40,000 years were forced to move to the more infertile inland. (4)

In the colonies convicts who committed further crimes received harsh punishments. The punishments were quite brutal and feared: cat o’nine tails (fifty whip lashes) was a common punishment. Or being chained to a gang of convicts, shackled in ankle irons or chains weighing ten pounds or more and being forced to for example make new roads. (5)

Records were kept of these convicts. One of them was Mary Wade — a child of only 11 years of age once sentenced to be transported. For her hideous crime of stealing she was first sentenced to death, but it was later altered. She spent her life in Australia reproducing and had 21 offspring. She is considered to be one of the founding mothers of Australia. One of her most famous descendants is the former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

Another name to be mentioned is John Hudson, an eight-year-old boy, an occasional chimney sweep, who was found guilty of breaking and entering a dwelling and stealing one linen shirt, five silk stockings, one pistol and two aprons. He had no-one to defend him at court, his parents were deceased and during the trial he only spoke 13 words after which the judge knew he was doing the right thing by transporting John. At the age of 16 he is recorded as receiving 50 lashes for being out of his hut after nine o’clock. (6, 7)

1 Milloin vankeja kuljetettiin Britanniasta Australiaan?

2 Mitkä teot katsottiin tekstin mukaan vähemmän vakaviksi rikoksiksi? (Mainitse kaksi asiaa.)

3 Mitkä teot katsottiin vakavimmiksi rikoksiksi?

4 Mitä seurasi brittien saapumisesta Australiaan?

5 Millaisia rangaistuksia vanki saattoi saada uusista rikoksista? (Mainitse kaksi asiaa.)

6 Miksi Mary Waden katsotaan olleen tärkeä henkilö?

7 Mitä John Hudsonin väitettiin varastaneen? (Mainitse kaksi asiaa.)

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Valitse yksi otsikoista ja kirjoita siitä 70–100 sanan mittainen teksti englanniksi. Kirjoita lyhyesti ja ytimekkäästi.

  • What makes Finland unique?

Kuvittele tilanne, jossa sinun tulee pitää mainospuhe asioista, jotka tekevät Suomesta ainutlaatuisen. Millaisella puheella saisit erotettua Suomen muista maista?

  • The worst day of my life

Kerro, millainen olisi mielestäsi elämäsi kamalin päivä. Mitä silloin tapahtuisi? Missä olisit ja mitä tekisit? Kuvaile päivääsi mahdollisimman yksityiskohtaisesti.

  • My idol

Kerro kuka on idolisi, ketä ihailet eniten maailmassa ja miksi. Mikä hänessä tai hänen teoissaan on ihailtavaa?

Kirjoitelman palautus!

  • Palauta kuva tai muu tiedosto
  • Palauta merkintä
  • Palauta linkki

Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia lähettää mitään.


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Valitse seuraavista kysymyksistä viisi ja vastaa kysymyksiin vastauslomakkeelle. Merkitse vastauslomakkeelle rastilla oikea vaihtoehto. Jos vastaat yli 5 kohtaan, opettaja arvioi 5 ensimmäistä vastaustasi.

1 The Big Apple is the nickname for

2 What are the official languages of Canada?

3 What do the stars and the stripes on the flag of the USA represent?

4 What is the London Eye?

5 What do they call the Canadian police who ride horses?

6 The underground in London is called

7 What is the Union Jack?

8 Where do Inuits live?

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