
ENA7B 2019

30.9 Monday:  intro to debate. Do mini presentations: see two one minute videos on why debate

Discuss THW ban pineapple on pizza
THBT pineapple on pizza is wrong
Discuss the definition and first speakers speech, rebuttal, poi

2.10 Wednesday: 
Debate THW Introduce a “fat tax”
Prop: Toivo, Joonas, Matias, William (Tino, Rahdia)
Opp: Niko, Jocelin, Tuomas, Lassi (Karo, Maxim)

4.10 Friday: Level F, unit 1, Grammar Rules, p. 252 - 255
3 exercises:
Englanti (pitkä), kielioppi
Phrasal verbs handout

7.10 Monday: Cancelled (Read first 30 pages of the book)
9.10 Wednesday: Go over rules, prepare tomorrow's debate:Farenheit 451 up to page 30
11.10 Friday Class Cancelled debate transferred to 21.10
Level F, unit 2, Grammar Rules, p. 255-; 
TH supports the death penalty

Fall Holiday 

21.10 Monday: Level F, unit 2 quiz
TH supports the death penalty
Prop: Karo,  Iida, Rahdia, Viola, Jocelin (helps)
Opp Mustaf, Arina, Maxim,Tino 

Lissy: ROOM 12
Prop:  Aava, Niko, Lassi, Valtteri
Opp: Tuomas, William, Matias, Joonas H

23.10 Wednesday
Analyze Monday's debates a bit better
Plan next debate
Grammar Rules, p. ; Farenheit 451 up to page 60

25.10  Friday Debate

Mila, Aava and Jocelin  (prop) vs Toivo, Joonas, Niko (opp)

This House Would Abolish nuclear weapons

28.10 Monday 

Tino, Mustaf, Maxim (Prop) vs Karo, Lassi, Viola (opp)

THW ban affirmative action

30.10 Wednesday (PSAT in the morning):
 Joonas, Valtteri, Toivo (prop) vs Rahdia, Iida, Jocelin, Arina

THBT allowing children to perform publicly does more harm than good.

(Matias, William)

1.11 Friday: Give feedback on Wednesday's debate

 Level F, unit 3,
Farenheit 451  p. 61-106


Tino,(Joonas H subs) Mustaf, Arina (prop) vs Radhia, Jocelin, and William (opp)

THW legalize marijuana

6.11 Wednesday

Feedback on marijuana debate!

Aava, Viola, Arina, Matias (prop) vs Lassi, Karo,Mila, Toivo (opp)

TH regrets globalisation

8.11 Friday:Level F, unit 4, Grammar Rules, p. Farenheit p. 107-133

Watch some of the WSDC in Indonesia 2017

11.11 Monday 

Tino, Matias, Mila, Iida vs Niko, Tuomas and Valtteri, Maxim (opp)
THW use prisoners as labor force

13.11Wednesday Level F unit 5  p. Farenheit 451  p.134- 158 (the end)

Make up quizzes

15.11 Friday Analysis questions on Farenheit 451 (teacher not here)

18.11 Monday Prepare the final debate (teacher not here)

Exam week begins 19.11

20% vocabulary
25% Farenheit 451
25% participation
30% Final debate käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä