History of Kirkkömännikkö school

History of Kirkkomännikkö school

At Kirkkomännikkö school the work started in fall 1868. There were 32 pupils, and 17 of them came outside Alavus. After a couple of months the school burned down, but with money from the insurance, new classrooms were built to replace the destroyed ones.

A new, bigger building was finished in 1869. 18 new pupils started the school. The school was run by one teacher called Eero Mäkinen until 1894, when there were already 82 pupils and a second teacher was hired.

In 1915 the building burned down again destroying teaching equipment, archives and teachers' personal property. A new building was raised in 1916. In around 1918 the school got electricity, so working got more pleasant. Over the years there were more and more pupils coming to the school, so the school building got crowded. That's why there had to be for example evening classes. Then it was time to plan yet another new school building...