About quarantine

Information for the recipient of a quarantine decision

It has come to our knowledge that you have been exposed to a person with a COVID-19
infection and, therefore, you have been ordered into quarantine. Quarantine means that a
healthy person’s freedom of movement is restricted. It is used to prevent a possible
asymptomatic disease-carrier from infecting other people. The quarantine decision has
been made pursuant to the Act on Infectious Diseases.

Quarantine period
Information on the duration of your quarantine is provided to you in connection with the
quarantine order. The typical quarantine period is 10 days from the last exposure. The
quarantine period is two weeks in cases where more than one people live in the same
household. The period starts at the beginning of symptoms or, in the case of a
symptomless person, from the sampling date.

How to act in quarantine?
During quarantine, you must avoid close contact with people outside your household.
Quarantine time must be spent in your apartment. You can go out, provided that you do
not get close to other people. For example, you must not go to work, school, daycare,
hobbies, stores or pharmacies, as the avoidance of close contacts is difficult in these
places. You must not have visitors, and you must order your food.

People associated to you who have not been personally in direct close contact with the
infected person can continue to live normally. This means that associated people are not
in quarantine, unlike the quarantined person. People associated to a quarantined
symptomless person do not infect others with coronavirus.

Quarantine must be adhered to
A quarantine ordered by the infectious disease authorities must be strictly adhered to.
According to Finnish law, breaching a quarantine order can be punished as an offence
against health protection with a fine or imprisonment for a maximum of three months, even
if you do not infect anyone else.

Source: Helsingin kaupunki (https://www.hel.fi/static/sote/julkaisut/korona/karanteeniohje-en.pdf)

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