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Physical exercise at school

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

I also like school physical exercise lesson very much. And exercise is big part of my everyday life. My opinion are just like same, what this namemark – sporty Finn – has be writen and thinking. It is really good that at Finnish school systems have the posibillity physical exercise at school. And it have deffinetly prof that the research shows in many healthy level.

But we have to remember those people in the world who could not move at all or for example only one leg is working. We can not forget exemple African poor and working children who does not enjoy the happines of exercise or can not show them skills some sport game.

For now a days main poin of exercise is that planty of world people realise how important it is. It is good see that many countres have exelent exercise system and sport clubs or teams. The last sentens of that forum post was clever idea. It shows up that feeling when you could just give your body and mind be free to do something fun. When once love the feeling of exercise it is hard forget.

-N.N.- (190)

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Breadline Finland

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this event. I am very pleased to be here today. I would like to talk about hunger especially here in Finland.

First I would like to mention that because of these cuts in budget the number of unemployees has increased. This has affected in our daily life in extremely way. We are now facing a new serious problem, hunger.

This problem isn’t only touching the ones with low income but more and more of us. In fact relying on food banks might be the only option to many families when there is little money and high prices on food.

Secondly I want to emphasize the meaning of nutrition. A proper nutrition is extremely important especially for the kids. School lunch can’t be the only nourishing meal of the day. A balanced diet helps with learning and growing. If the main reason to hunger is that people can’t afford it, maybe the prices are way too high.

Finally, I would like to ask if there is anything we can do about it. Obviously businesses and government are responsible of decissions about budget and employees, but can we help the ones in need? Thank you for your attention.
(201 words)

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Rainy Day

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

It was a rainy day and I was walking to my friend's house. The weather was terrific. The sky was as grey as my shoes were and I wasn't seeing any blue parts of the sky. Even if the weather was a horrible I was still quite happy.

My life has been like a rollercoaster lately because a lot of bad things are happened to me. The first thing why I have been sad is because my boyfriend dumped me. I still don't know the reason why he did that. He just said that I am too good for him. The second thing what happened to me was that our dog called "Susu" past away a month ago. She was a great dog and she will be in my memories forever.

It was still raining and my shoes were complately wet. Finally I was seeing my friend's house and then I started to run towards the house because the rain got even harder and harder. In that day I realised how important thing it is to have a good friend. (179)

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Dear Sir/Madam ...

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Marja Lehto, and I am a high school student at Vieremä High School with a keen interest in computer studies and visual art. I am writing to apply for the Interior Design degree at The University of Edinburgh.

I hope to become an interior designer, so I would like to learn more about the subject. I feel your course would help me acquire a more advanced understanding of interior design and prepare me for my career.

I love the way different colors and images can evoke emotions in viewers. I enjoy experimenting with the power of color and imagery and think I have a natural creative flair. I am confident that I will be able to apply this flair to new projects at your school and increase my design abilities with you.

I respect The University of Edinburgh's reputation for academic and sporting excellence. I appreciate the way your school encourages students to achieve their potential in the classroom and outside it. As a social person who has participated in several extracurricular activities, including the school band and volleyball team, I feel my diverse interests would make me a great fit for your school.

Studying at your school would help me develop my aptitude for design while having fun, whether it is on the sporting field or in another arena. I am open to whatever experiences life at The University of Edinburgh would bring me and hope I could achieve them through your degree. Thank you very much for considering my request. Please email me at marja.lehto99@dragonquest.org if you have any questions about my application.

Yours faithfully,

Marja Lehto

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Does the end justify the means?

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

Headlines about different activists´ actions are constantly popping up in the media. News about people having to go to prison for what they do in order to stop environmental destruction before it´s too late , are very common these days. Water levels are rising as the Arctic ice continues to melt at a worryingly high speed, and becoming extinct is starting to pose a threat to more and more species. Is it ok to act out publically to prevent these things from happening?

A few years ago a Finnish activist and member of Greenpeace , Sini Saarela, was held captive in a Russian prison for resisting the authorities because they were going to drill some oil from the sea. Luckily, Saarela got out after a couple of months, thanks to her supporters from all around the world who demanded her release. Extreme cases like these happen from time to time, but why do people tend to be so incredibly judgemental towards activists? They´re making a conscious effort to shed more light on important matters, such as environmental issues.

Personally, I think that direct resistance to environmental destruction is completely acceptable, and even necessary at times. As long as the resistance – whatever form it may take – isn´t hurting anyone physically, I don´t see any problem with it. If anything, we should be more aware about the Earth´s environmental problems, and try to find the ways and resources to solve them. If someone is offended because of activists, well, the only way to make them stop is to do what needs to be done – eliminate the original problem, in this case, environmental destruction.

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Peda.net käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. Peda.net ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä