15 How to Make the Most of Your Cup of Tea (syksy 2019)

15 How to Make the Most of Your Cup of Tea (9 p.)

Five millennia on, tea is still delighting scientists who want to prove slightly obvious things. The latest news on that front is that it can make us more resourceful and adept in our endeavours. We’ve all had the debate about how to make the tastiest cuppa. But what about the healthiest? Here are some tips:

Prefer green

Black, white and green teas all come from the same plant: camellia sinensis. The difference is simply the timing of the harvest and the level of oxidisation. Catechins, associated with cardiovascular health and weight maintenance, exist in all teas, but they’re affected by oxidation, so are highest in unoxidised green and white teas.

Don’t shake

Or tap, or otherwise whisk the tea around in the receptacle. That can increase the quantity of tannins released, which bond to iron molecules in any food recently eaten, preventing them from being absorbed.