17. One Last Happy Night (k2021)

17. One Last Happy Night (10 p.)

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Fill in the blanks in English using suggestions when given. Make sure your answer fits in the context (e.g. tenses).

One last happy night at a healthy hotel in Finland

On a carpet of grass and buttercups amid a forest of tall pines 3 km from the small Finnish town 1. (jonka kanssa) it shares 2. (pronomini) name, Paimio is a clean-lined architectural masterpiece by the godfather of Finnish functionalism, Alvar Aalto.

Paimio has a Riviera flair at odds 3. (prepositio) elements of its oral tradition. As one-time resident Kaarlo Aitomäki wrote in his diary: “This house contains more suffering than any other. Hospitals are different. You only spend a short time in them. But here you stay month after month, even years. And you have no idea 4. (jos) you are going to get better or die. The mortuary is always waiting there in the forest.” The complex had its own morgue, stationed at a respectful distance and 5. (viitata) as the Rose Cellar.

Paimio is 6. (merkittävin) surviving example of a sanatorium, an isolated residential facility for the treatment of long-term illness from the era when bed rest and healing sunlight were 7. (ihmiskunta) first line of defence against disease.

There has been little call for sanatoria since 8. (antibioottien kehittäminen), so Paimio became a general hospital in the 60’s, then a residential rehabilitation centre for children and families, which is currently 9. (wind down) and relocated. As various attempts to secure the building’s future 10. (eivät ole johtaneet mihinkään), my stay potentially constitutes the last ever opportunity to sleep in conditions experienced by the original residents.

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