Joining strenghts - Creating innovative paths of student leadership and supporting those most in need of support

Valkeakoski Tietotie Upper Secondary School, Jasper Place High School and the Distance Learning High School in Edmonton, Argyll Centre, are joining their respective strengths in order to create great schools for all students. Following the successful path of Finland-Alberta co-operation of the FinAl-project, the three schools are further developing their student leadership programs, opening up to the surrounding society and using innovative technology to enhance students’ possibilities to reach their full potential.

There are three main goals of the exchange program.

  • Combine the best practices of the student leadership programs in Jasper Place High School and Valkeakoski Tietotie Upper Secondary School.
  • Creating new ways of co-operating with local volunteer programs, institutions and enterprises, thus targeting the aims of the new curriculum in Finland. The Global Café program in Jasper Place serves as a model for integrating local agents to school work, and the well-functioning Student Council in Valkeakoski will be emulated in Canadian partner schools.
  • Argyll Center and Tietotie school will combine their knowledge and expertise in order to create innovative distance learning methods for young and adult students alike. The aim is to support the growing number of students who are unable to attend classes as regularly as other students because of physical or, more commonly, psychological reasons.


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