Fall 2016

We will be meeting roughly every second week mostly either on Thursday or Friday afternoons at 2.20-3.50 pm.

Between October 2016 and May 2017 we will meet approximately 14 times. We also reserve 1-2 Saturdays for workshops.

Our meetings in Fall 2016 take place at Kalevan lukio, room 309, as follows:

Thu 6.10. Kick-off meeting with our guest specialist on sco-social innovations, Sanna Nevala

Fri 28.10 Guest lecturer Suvi Holm, CEO of Ekokumppanit

Fri 11.11. Harri Paloheimo (CEO and Founder) and Heikki Waris (Founder) will visit us to plan the cooperation on the Talkootori -application

Thu 17.11. Planning initiatives

Fri 25.11. at 6 pm, Lecture at Sampola: ”Helvetin hyvin menee” = "We´re doing good as hell".

Member of Finnish Parliament/ The Greens Osmo Soininvaara and Professor Esko Valtaoja talk about the relation of happiness, consumption and natural resources.

Mon 12.12. Leftover-food-day

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