

HERE is the big list for this course. 

Wednesday 30th March

CLASSWORK 1: We worked hard on the grammar on pages 159-166. We did the blue and yellow exercises.
CLASSWORK 2: Anybody that finished then moved on to the revision exercises on p195 and 196.
OLD HOMEWORK: Please finish p137 Ex7, p138 Ex8, p143 Ex11 and p144 Ex12 and 13. I will (try to) send you the answers on Saturday so that you can check your work.
NEW HOMEWORK: Please do Ex29 and 30 on page 166. We will check this next Thursday.

Tuesday 29th March 
CLASSWORK 1: We did the blue exercises on p136 and 137.
CLASSWORK 2: We went through the theory of Adverbs in the book (p139-142).
CLASSWORK 3: We then started the exercises on p142>.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we played Gimkit and did the test.
CLASSWORK 5: Then we startedp159-160 (the introduction and Engage exercise).
NEW HOMEWORK: Please finish p137 Ex7, p138 Ex8, p143 Ex11 and p144 Ex12 and 13. I will (try to) send you the answers on Saturday so that you can check your work.
OLD HOMEWORK: Do the listening exercise by 10am on Wednesday.

Monday 28th March
CLASSWORK 1: We read through the grammar on adjectives and started the blue exercises.
OLD HOMEWORK: Do the listening exercise by 10am on Wednesday.
OLD HOMEWORK: We will have a vocab test (En>Fi) on the words on p28 tomorrow/Tuesday - QUIZLET. (There's another one on Thursday. See Wilma).
NEW HOMEWORK: Please check the answers to p153-158: Ex17, 22.
NEW HOMEWORK: Please check the answers to p192-195: Ex41-45.

Thursday 24th March
CLASSWORK 1: We finished the work in the book on indirect speech.
CLASSWORK 2: We played "arvaa, mitä ajattelen".
CLASSWORK 3: We then watched more of the (new) Lion King.
OLD HOMEWORK: Please do p153 Ex17 and p156 Ex22 for homework. We will check this next Monday.
OLD HOMEWORK: Please finish Ex41-45. We did not check these on Thursday 24.3.
NEW HOMEWORK 1: Please do p158 Ex25.

NEW HOMEWORK 2: I will give you a final listening exercise in the next couple of days. I will send you a Wilma message about it.
NEW HOMEWORK 3: We will have a vocab test (En>Fi) on the words on p28 next Tuesday - QUIZLET. (There's another one on Thursday. See Wilma).

Wednesday 23rd March
CLASSWORK 1: We checked Exercises 37-40.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we read pages 147 to 150.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we started the exercises on p151, 152 and 153.
CLASSWORK 4: We then started 2.2 (p153-156). We did most of the blue exercises.
NEW HOMEWORK: Please do p153 Ex17 and p156 Ex22 for homework. We will check this next Monday.
OLD HOMEWORK: Please finish Ex41-45. We will check these on Thursday.
OLD HOMEWORK: I've given you extra time for the listening (see top of the page). It is due at 1.15 tomorrow, Thursday.

Tuesday 22nd March
CLASSWORK 1: We talked a little about the written topics in yesterday's YO exam.
CLASSWORK 2: We then read pages 186-191.
CLASSWORK 3: We then started the blue exercises on p192, 193 and 194.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we started the two yellow exercises on p194.
NEW HOMEWORK: Please finish Ex41-45. We will check these on Thursday.

OLD HOMEWORK: Please finish Ex37, 38, 39 and Ex40. We will check these on Wednesday.
OLD HOMEWORK: Don't forget the listening exercise - see top of the page. IT IS DUE AT 10am ON WEDNESDAY.

Monday 21st March
CLASSWORK 1: We talked briefly about the weekeend.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we read through the list of nouns + prepositions/adverbs on p179-182.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we started Ex37, 38, 39 and Ex40. 
CLASSWORK 4: We then started p146. We did not get on to p147.
NEW HOMEWORK: Please finish Ex37, 38, 39 and Ex40

OLD HOMEWORK: Don't forget the listening exercise - see top of the page.

Thursday 17th March

CLASSWORK 1: GIMKIT and then the test.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we checked the work from unit 8.
CLASSWORK 3: QUIZLET next on the big list of verb + preposition.
CLASSWORK 4: FORMS. was next on the second half of the big list of verb + preposition.
CLASSWORK 5: Please read p176 and 177 (again).
CLASSWORK 6: Please then do p177 Ex35 and P178 Ex36. Please write your answers.
HOMEWORK 1: Please finish your written answers to Ex35 and Ex36 (p177-178).
HOMEWORK 2: I will send you a listening exercise to do (see top of the page).

Wednesday 16th March
CLASSWORK 1: We read through pages 170-175.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did p174 Ex32.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we did THIS Google Forms exercise.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we started p173, 174 and 175 (Ex31 and 33). YOU MUST WRITE THESE ANSWERS ON THE PAPER
CLASSWORK 5: For the last couple of minutes we were doing p176 and 177 (Ex34 and 35).
NEW HOMEWORK: Please finish Ex31 and 33 for homework on the paper I gave you in the lesson.
OLD HOMEWORK: Please finish Ex 8b, 8c, 8e, 8g and 8i at home. We will check these on Thursday.
OLD HOMEWORK: Test on the words on p77 on Thursday. HERE is the Quizlet.

Tuesday 15th March
CLASSWORK 1: We finished translating the text and then did these exercises: 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, 8e.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did Ex8h and listened to the introduction to Ex8g .
NEW HOMEWORK: Please finish Ex 8b, 8c, 8e, 8g and 8i at home. We will check these on Thursday.
OLD HOMEWORK: Test on the words on p77 on Thursday. HERE is the Quizlet.

Monday 14th March
CLASSWORK 1: We first checked pages 46 and 47.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we checked pages 96 and 97.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we moved on to unit 8 and did the questions on p75.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we listened to text 8 and started translating it in our groups.
HOMEWORK: Test on the words on p77 on Thursday. HERE is the Quizlet.

Thursday 3rd March
CLASSWORK 1: We checked all the work that needed checking.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we finished the writing.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we did the work on p46-47 and 96 and 97.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we did the listening (see DRIVE).
HOMEWORK 1: Please finish the work on p46 and 47 and then do p96 and 97. We will check this after the holiday.
HOMEWORK 2: You must finish the work from the second lesson today (the long listening exercise!). 

Wednesday 2nd March
CLASSWORK 1: Test plus Gimkit.
CLASSWORK 2: Writing task.
OLD HOMEWORK 1: Please do the listening exercise (above). I will give you a few extra hours - please finish it by 5pm today.
OLD HOMEWORK: Please finish the exercises from unit 4: Ex4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e, 4f and 4g.
NEW HOMEWORK: Please read p28 and do both exercises on p29.

Tuesday 1st March
CLASSWORK 1: We did some random talking.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did the listening on p17, Ex1i.
CLASSWORK 3: The we continued translating the text.
CLASSWORK 4: Then do Ex6a and 6b in the same groups.
CLASSWORK 5: Then please do Ex6c and 6d and write your answers.
OLD HOMEWORK 1: Please do the listening exercise (above).
OLD HOMEWORK: Please finish the exercises from unit 4: Ex4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e, 4f and 4g.
OLD HOMEWORK: Test on the unit 6 words on Wednesday (see Wilma).
NEW HOMEWORK: Please look at the writing topics on p127 (link) and think about what you will write.

Monday 28th February

CLASSWORK 1: We did the engage exercise before unit 6.
CLASSWORK 2: We then listened to unit 6 and started translating it.
OLD HOMEWORK 1: Please do the listening exercise (above).
NEW HOMEWORK: Please finish the exercises from unit 4: Ex4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e, 4f and 4g.
NEW HOMEWORK: Test on the unit 6 words on Wednesday (see Wilma).

Thursday 24th February
CLASSWORK 1: We played Quizlet and did the test.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we continued / started the writing.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we started p46 / 47.
There are photocopies on the desk in the middle of the room if you don't have your own book yet.
Please write down your answers to Part A.

Wednesday 23rd 

Tuesday 22nd February
CLASSWORK 1: We continued translating unit 4.
CLASSWORK 2: Then please do p42, 43 and 44: Ex4a, 4b, 4c, 4d and 4e. You can do this with your partner by SPEAKING.
CLASSWORK 3: Please then do p44 Ex4f and 4g. Please WRITE the answers.
HOMEWORK 1: Please look at the essay titles on p126 (only) and think of what you could write tomorrow in the lesson.
HOMEWORK 2: We have a test on the unit 4 words on Thursday. Do start to learn these in time! QUIZLET.

Monday 21st February

CLASSWORK 1: We spoke a little about the hockey, about the exam week and also about the questions in the engage exercise on p39.
CLASSWORK 2: We then voted on which texts we would do on the course. Text 4 got 5 votes, text six got six votes, text 8 got 4 votes and fourth was text 7 with two votes.
CLASSWORK 3: We then listened to text 4 and started translating it into Finnish with our partner.

    Unit 2 - Just Don't Do it! 7 fi>en
    Glossary: School (p28 7 fi>en
    Unit 6 - Passion into Business 7 fi>en
    Unit 8 - Data-driven (p77)  
    Glossary: Work (p48) 7 fi>en 
    Glossary: Economy (p96) 7 en>fi 

Topic Top books Insights ABs Blue Grammar Red Grammar
Adjectives  7 p183-186 (2.3.) p128-145 AB ex
(see below)
p212-213 (2.3.18)
p216-217 (16.3)
Nouns/Adj./Verbs + prep.   p167->   BLUE BOOK p258-> 
Epäsuora kerronta   p146-     p110-111

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