
En2 - What we did...

We haven't done THIS exercise with our partner yet.
We need 

Wednesday 1st December
CLASSWORK 1: We checked the homework.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we started unit 7. We listened to p57 and then translated it into Finnish.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we started doing the exercises on p59> Ex 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d, 7e.
NEW HOMEWORK: Please record you reading the words to your song. Please record it as a video and then upload it to YouTube with a private link. Then send the link to eksynytbritti...
OLD HOMEWORK: Please make sure that you have done this by 9pm tonight! It is from 24.11.21. THIS is the listening link. The audio is here...

Monday 29th November
CLASSWORK 1: We checked the homework.
CLASSWORK 2: We talked a little about geography.
CLASSWORK 3: We then did the grammar on p275>
HOMEWORK 1: Please finish checking the nationality sheet (LINK).
HOMEWORK 2: Please finish the listening exercise by tomorrow at 5 (see below).
HOMEWORK 3: Please finish p275.
HOMEWORK 4: Please make sure that you know what song you intend to translate.

Wednesday 24th November
CLASSWORK 1: We started by checking the homework.
CLASSWORK 2: We then read through the persoonapronomini theory on pages 292-296.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we started the exercises on p297: Ex81, 82, 83 and 84.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we played a board game from Insights 1.
HOMEWORK 1: Please finish the exercises on p297: Ex81, 82, 83 and 84.
HOMEWORK 2: Please do THIS listening. The audio is here... Please finish this by next Tuesday (30.11) at 4pm.

Monday 22nd November
CLASSWORK 1: We started by talking about the weekend.
CLASSWORK 2: We confirmed that we had checked the nationality words.
CLASSWORK 3: We then started "muodolliset subjektit" on p287.
CLASSWORK 4: We did exercises 75 and 76 (p289) speaking.
CLASSWORK 5: We then did p290-291 Ex78 and Ex79.
HOMEWORK: Please finish Ex78 and Ex79.

Wednesday 17th November
CLASSWORK 1: We did the test on nationality words.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did a writing exercise (p199).
HOMEWORK: Please finish the nationality word sheet for homework (LINK). Please write your answers on the paper. Please fill in all the gaps. When I mark the work I will deduct 1-3 points per incorrect answer.

Monday 15th November
CLASSWORK 1: We started the work on nationality words (my sheet).
HOMEWORK: Test on nationality words on Wednesday.

Wednesday 10th November
CLASSWORK 1: We checked Ex92 and 93.
CLASSWORK 2: We then started grammar topic 9.
CLASSWORK 3: We did a quiz and watched the French clip from the Matrix.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we started Ex96 and 97 (speaking).
CLASSWORK 5: We then started p315> Ex98, 99 and 100 (please write the answers).
HOMEWORK 1: Please finish exercises 98, 99, 100.
HOMEWORK 2: Please do the listening. HERE are the questions. Mark your answers on HERE.

Monday 1st November
CLASSWORK 1: We started the passive.
CLASSWORK 2: We then started p304> Ex86, 87, 88, 89, 90 and 91.
CLASSWORK 3: Then it was p306-307 Ex 92 and 93 - only one or two students finished.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we watched a WILTY and talked about Halloween.
HOMEWORK 1: Please finish exercises 92 and 93 on p306, 307 and 308.
HOMEWORK 2: Please think again about what you will show with the camera when you read the lyrics to your song.

Thursday 21st October
CLASSWORK 1: k.i.e.l.i.p.r.o.f.i.i.l.i

Wednesday 20th October
CLASSWORK 1: The police concert was first...
CLASSWORK 2: Then we watched the Queen arriving at the London 2012 Olympics.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we continued with the questions and tests for the Kieliprofiili.
NEW HOMEWORK: Please do Q31-Q34. Please think lots and spend five minutes on each question.
OLD HOMEWORK: Please answer Q21-27 on your own copy of the kieliprofiili document on Google Drive/Documents.

Monday 18th October
CLASSWORK 1: We played the drawing game.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we went through the word order grammar and checked the exercises.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we looked at THESE slides and translated them into English. Tom didn't care if the translation wasn't perfect.:)
CLASSWORK 4: We looked at THIS with our partner.
CLASSWORK 5: After that we read through THESE questions. 
CLASSWORK 6: Then we started the three tests. It was important to screenshot the answers and save them on Drive.
HOMEWORK: Please answer Q21-27 on your own copy of the kieliprofiili document on Google Drive/Documents.

Friday 15th October
CLASSWORK: We went through word order.
HOMEWORK 1: Please "do" p284-285.
HOMEWORK 2: Please write tha answers for p286 Ex73.

Thursday 14th October
CLASSWORK 1: We checked the homework and then did (and checked ) ex10h.
CLASSWORK 2: We then started to look at a song.
CLASSWORK 3: Please go to do Google Drive/Documents and create a document. Then share it with ekysynytbritti a gmail.com
Then please make a table with two columns.

Wednesday 13th October
CLASSWORK 1: We played lots of Gimkit and then did the test.
CLASSWORK 2: We then did some of the drawing game.
NEW HOMEWORK: Please finish exercises p86 and 87, Ex 10d and 10e.
OLD HOMEWORK 1: Please think of an/any English language song that means something to you.
OLD HOMEWORK 2: Please try and think of somebody from an English language country that could be/is an idol to you.
OLD HOMEWORK 1: MM and TK need to do today's listening (see classwork 5) by Sunday 10th at 1pm (klo 13.00).

Monday 10th October 
CLASSWORK 1: Please finish translating the text (p81-83) with your partner / in your groups.
CLASSWORK 2: Please then do 10a and 10c with the same partner / in the same groups.
CLASSWORK 3: Then please do 10b, 10d and 10e in your exercise books / "vihkot" with your partner.
CLASSWORK 4: We then listened to the song and talked about the questions on p80.
CLASSWORK 5: Then we watched an old WILTY.
NEW HOMEWORK: We will have a test on Wednesday on p84. It is a long list so you have lots of time to revise. (QUIZLET).
OLD HOMEWORK 1: Please think of an/any English language song that means something to you.
OLD HOMEWORK 2: Please try and think of somebody from an English language country that could be/is an idol to you.

OLD HOMEWORK 1: MM and TK need to do today's listening (see classwork 5) by Sunday 10th at 1pm (klo 13.00).

Friday 8th October
CLASSWORK 1: We checked all the homework.
CLASSWORK 2: We then voted on the next text. Unit 13 got 6 votes. Unit 14 got 7 votes. Unit 9 got zero votes.
CLASSWORK 3: We then listened do p81-83 (we didn't do p80).
CLASSWORK 4: We then started translating text ten with our partner.
NEW HOMEWORK: We will have a test next Wedesday on p84. It is a long list so you have lots of time to revise. (QUIZLET).
OLD HOMEWORK 1: MM and TK need to do today's listening (see classwork 5) by Sunday 10th at 1pm (klo 13.00).

Thursday 7th October
CLASSWORK 1: We checked the homework to begin.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we read about the "menneen ajan konditionaali". We did an AB, read the grammar.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we started p268 Ex56. We did this speaking.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we did p267 Ex55 and p269 Ex57. We wrote the answers.
CLASSWORK 5: After the break we did some listening again. QUESTIONS and use this audio>

CLASSWORK 6: We then read the top of page 270.
CLASSWORK 7: We started p270-271.
HOMEWORK 1: Please do/finish p264 Ex55 and 57.
HOMEWORK 2: Please do/finish p271 Ex60 and 61.
HOMEWORK 3: MM and TK need to do today's listening (see classwork 5) by Sunday 10th at 1pm (klo 13.00).

Wednesday 6th October
CLASSWORK 1: We checked the homework.
CLASSWORK 2: After that we devoted the entire lesson to the first condition (ESIM. I would cry if you died)..
CLASSWORK 3: With five minutes to go we started p264 exercises 51 and 52 (speaking).
CLASSWORK 4: Please then start Ex53 - Please write the answers.
HOMEWORK 1: Please think of an/any English language song that means something to you.

HOMEWORK 2: Please try and think of somebody from an English language country that could be/is an idol to you.
HOMEWORK 3: Please finish exercise 53. Please write the answers.

Monday 4th October.
CLASSWORK 1: We started looking at the future.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we started p257> Ex44, 45, 46, 47, 48.
CLASSWORK 3: We then did an AB exercise on 0 conditional (ESIM. I will cry if you die).
CLASSWORK 4: Then we did THIS listening exercise. Here is the audio>

CLASSWORK 5: Students that finished the listening then continued p257> Ex44, 45, 46, 47, 48.
CLASSWORK 6: For a couple of minutes to finish we used the AB on the 1st conditional (ESIM. I would cry if you died).
HOMEWORK: Please finish p257> Ex44, 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49 for homework.

Friday 1st October
CLASSWORK 1: We took it easier and watched a WILTY amongst other things.

Thursday 30th September
CLASSWORK 1: We translated p102 and 103.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did exercises 12A a, b, c and d and checked these.
CLASSWORK 3: We then read most of "tag questions / liitekysymykset".
NEW HOMEWORK: Please read the bottom of p249 and do/read p250-251.

Wednesday 29th September
CLASSWORK 1: We did the writing.
CLASSWORK 2: Students that finished started p92-p93 (unit 41) in the RED GRAMMAR BOOK. You needed to write your answers on your own paper.
OLD HOMEWORK: Please do/finish p98 for homework.

OLD HOMEWORK: Please do/finish p246 for homework.
TODAY'S HOMEWORK: We will have a test on the p103 words on Thursday. Please revise (=lukea). We will not play Gimkit before the test:( QUIZLET.

Monday 27th September
CLASSWORK 1: We started by looking at apostrophes and then mistakes from the essays.
CLASSWORK 2: We then did the Alias game (on city words).
CLASSWORK 3: We then read through the essay topics on p198.
OLD HOMEWORK: Please do/finish p98 for homework.

OLD HOMEWORK: Please do/finish p246 for homework.
NEW HOMEWORK 1: Plan what you will write about on Wednesday in the lesson. The topics are on p198.
NEW HOMEWORK 2: We will have a test on the p103 words on Thursday. Please start to revise (=lukea). We will probably not play Gimkit before the test:(

Friday 24th September
CLASSWORK 1: We played Gimkit and did the test.
CLASSWORK 2: We then watched a WILTY (Spice Girls).
CLASSWORK 3: We started p98, Ex11h.
NEW HOMEWORK: Please do/finish p98 for homework.
OLD HOMEWORK: Please do/finish p246 for homework.

Thursday 23rd September
CLASSWORK 1: We did an AB exercise (verbs 76-100, pluskvamperfekti (-) and (?)).
CLASSWORK 2: Then we continued translating p92.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we did p94 Ex11a and p96 Ex11d with our partner.
CLASSWORK 4: We then started looking at the "pluskvamperfekti" in the book (page 241 onwards).
CLASSWORK 5: Then we did a Gimkit in honour of our vocab test tomorrow:)
OLD HOMEWORK: We will have a test on Friday on the words on p93 (Fin>En) - QUIZLET.
NEW HOMEWORK: Please do/finish p246 for homework.

Wednesday 22nd September

CLASSWORK 1: We played the game on p111.
CLASSWORK 2: We decided to do units 11 and 12.
CLASSWORK 3: We then listened to p92.
CLASSWORK 4: We then started translating it - we only had five minutes.
HOMEWORK: Please do p95 Ex11b and 11c.
HOMEWORK: We will have a test on Friday on the words on p93 (Fin>En).

Monday 20th September
CLASSWORK 1: We went through the Textbook p50-54.
CLASSWORK 2: We played Alias.
CLASSWORK 3: We then watched a WILTY.
HOMEWORK: Nothing.

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