

HERE is the Drive document for this course. //// We need to finish the gentive exercises /// I owe JS a sweet.

Didn't finish year questions...

Tuesday 17th May
CLASSWORK 1: We checked the art work and then did the test.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we started Unit 4.
NEW HOMEWORK: Make sure you are ready for the test on Thursday on the p26 words.
OLD HOMEWORK 2: Please cover your books.
OLD HOMEWORK 3: Please do this listening for Wednesday at 10am. HERE are the questions. The audio is below:

Monday 16th May
CLASSWORK 1: We talked about Eurovision and the weekend.
CLASSWORK 2: We did some work on the Eurovision countries. (((Here is the pdf list of Eurovision countries: Country Names ___ Maiden nimet - En_Ukr_Fin (Eurovision).pdfAnd HERE is the forms exercise.
CLASSWORK 3: We then did the work on the genitive in the textbook.
CLASSWORK 4: We finished watching WILTY.
HOMEWORK 1: Please cover your books.
HOMEWORK 2: Please do/finish the work on p82 and 83 for Tuesday. We will have a vocabulary test on the words on Tuesday.
HOMEWORK 3: Please do this listening for Wednesday at 10am. HERE are the questions. The audio is below:

Thursday 12th May 
CLASSWORK 1: We finished the work on articles.
CLASSWORK 2: We then did the exercises on the visual arts - p82 and 83.
CLASSWORK 3: We watched 6:20 of WILTY (the horse).
HOMEWORK 1: Please cover your books.
HOMEWORK 2: Please do/finish the work on p82 and 83 for Tuesday. We will have a vocabulary test on the words on Tuesday.
HOMEWORK 3: Please do this listening for Wednesday at 10am. HERE are the questions. The audio is below:

Wednesday 11th May
CLASSWORK 1: We did work on the plurals.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we started the work on articles.
CLASSWORK 3: We spoke about the stress questions.
HOMEWORK: Cover books / make sure you've done yesterday's two listening exercises / do the black plural sheet.

Here is the Google Forms for HOBBIES GALORE. Here is the audio for HOBBIES GALORE 10.5.22:

Here is the Google Forms for NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD. Here is the audio for NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD:

Monday 9th May
CLASSWORK 1: We started talking about years.
CLASSWORK 2: We also did more work on the plural.
NEW HOMEWORK: Please finish the sheet that I gave you in the lesson.
OLD HOMEWORK: Please cover your textbooks.

Wednesday 4th May
CLASSWORK 1: We did writing.
CLASSWORK 2: We watched some of Star Wars (May the fourth/force)...
HOMEWORK: Please cover your books.

Tuesday 3rd May
CLASSWORK 1: We checked the listening and the exercises to unit 8.
CLASSWORK 2: We then played Gimkit and did the test.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we worked through page 159, we read half of page 160 and then did exercise 7.
HOMEWORK: Look at pages 147 and 148 and essay topics 9-18. Please plan what you will write on one of these topics in the lesson tomorrow.

Monday 2nd May
CLASSWORK 1: We talked about computer games and watched a task from Taskmaster.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we started the grammar. We then started the grammar on nouns. We read pages 152-158 and did exercises 1 and 6.
NEW HOMEWORK: We have a test tomorrow, Wednesday, on the unit 8 words (HERE is the Quizlet).
OLD HOMEWORK: Please do the answers to unit 8 on the paper that I gave you in the lesson. Please return them to me tomorrow.

Thursday 28th April
CLASSWORK 1: We listened to unit 8.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we translated it into Finnish with our group.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we did exercise 8b in Finnish with our group. We didn't need to write the answers.
OLD HOMEWORK: Please check the answers to the written exercises. The answers are on the board at the front of the class.
NEW HOMEWORK 1: A few students have not left me their email on the short forms exercise HERE.
NEW HOMEWORK 2: Please do the answers to unit 8 on the paper that I gave you in the lesson.

Wednesday 27th April
CLASSWORK 1: We did the test.
CLASSWORK 2: We then read through essay topics 1-8.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we thought of a couple of ideas for each topic with our partner in English.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we did the listening exercise - my life as a Trombonist.
CLASSWORK 5: Then we wrote 150-250 words on paper on one of the topics 1-8.

Tuesday 26th April
CLASSWORK 1: We spent the lesson thinking about films... and a little about French. The exercises were from unit 3 in the textbook AND the GLOSSARY: Theatre and Film. We did 3f, 3i, the glossary and then 3k was to be next.
OLD HOMEWORK 1: Please just remind me of your birthday and email on THIS LINK.

OLD HOMEWORK 2: Please finish the handout on the unit 5 exercises. Please hand this in on Wednesday at the latest.
OLD HOMEWORK 3: Please finish the music handout - YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO THE WORDSEARCH! Please hand this in on Wednesday at the latest.
OLD HOMEWORK 4: Don't forget there is a test coming - unit 5 - on Wednesday! (QUIZLET).
NEW HOMEWORK: Please finish pages 1-3 the "Films and French" sheet for Thursday - EXCEPT FOR p3 ExC You do not need to do the last page (3k) - in fact please don't do it.

Monday 25th April
CLASSWORK 1: We did Ex3f.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we listened to text 5 (p40) and translated it into Finnish.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we did Ex Ex5a (p41). We answered the questions speaking in our groups.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we started the written exercises on unit 5.
CLASSWORK 5: Then we started the handout on music.
HOMEWORK 1: Please just remind me of your birthday and email on THIS LINK.
HOMEWORK 2: Please finish the handout on the unit 5 exercises. Please hand this in on Wednesday at the latest.
HOMEWORK 3: Please finish the music handout - YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO THE WORDSEARCH! Please hand this in on Wednesday at the latest.
HOMEWORK 4: Don't forget there is a test coming - unit 5 - on Wednesday! (QUIZLET).

Thursday 20th April
CLASSWORK 1: We talked about how we're doing and how the talk from the social worker was.
CLASSWORK 2: We then did the exercises on the written paper (LINK).
CLASSWORK 3: Then we watched a WILTY.
HOMEWORK 1: Please finish the unit 2 exercise on paper.
HOMEWORK 2: Please do this listening comprehension. HERE are the Questions. THE AUDIO is below:

Wednesday 19th April
CLASSWORK 1: We talked about the course.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we started unit 2.
HOMEWORK: Test on Unit 2 / p11 words on Thursday - QUIZLET.


Unit 2   7 Fi>En
Unit 4 Test?????   7 Fi>En
Unit 8 Test?????   7 Fi>En
Glossary (Theatre, 28)   7 Fi>En
Glossary (Literature, p46)   7 Fi>En
Glossary (Visual Arts, 58)   7 Fi>En

      Red book Blue book Revision
Nouns (plurals etc)          
Articles - general     A/an u71-> (15.3.2018) click for pdf
Articles - names       u77 and 78 (29.3.2018) ""
Of /// 's         click for pdf


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