
Homework and Classwork

Geography sheet ///  ages /// comma work

Wednesday 8th December
CLASSWORK 1: We looked at the second AB exercise with place names.
CLASSWORK 2: We talked quickly about essays.
CLASSWORK 3: We talked about the 18.12.20 Downing Street Party.
CLASSWORK 4: We talked and then started the second writing exercise.

Monday 7th December
CLASSWORK 1: We did the test (we played Quizlet Live first).
CLASSWORK 2: We checked exercises 19, 23, 24, 25, 31 and 32.
CLASSWORK 3: We then checked the commas sheet.
CLASSWORK 4: We then did p106-107 (Vocab 2) with our partner.
CLASSWORK 5: Then p109-11 (Vocab 4) with our partner.
OLD HOMEWORK: Please finish the "Geography Stuff Ex1" sheet. We will check this tomorrow. 

Friday 3th December
CLASSWORK 1: We looked at relative pronouns.
CLASSWORK 2: We watched a WILTY.
CLASSWORK 3: We then started the Geography Sheet.
OLD HOMEWORK 1: (for next Tuesday) P159 Ex19, p166 Ex23, 24 and 25.
OLD HOMEWORK 2: Test on Tuesday on p39-40 (QUIZLET). The test is English>Finnish.
NEW HOMEWORK 1: Please do p178 and p179 Ex31 and 32.
NEW HOMEWORK 2: Please finish the "Geography Stuff Ex1" sheet. Three students didn't get it.

Wednesday 1st December
CLASSWORK 1: We did an AB exercise on places.
CLASSWORK 2: We watched a WILTY exercise and a little bit of the Queen's Speech 2020
CLASSWORK 3: We then worked through grammar topic 2.
HOMEWORK 1: (for next Tuesday) P159 Ex19, p166 Ex23, 24 and 25.
HOMEWORK 2: Test on Friday on p39-40 (QUIZLET). The test is English>Finnish.

Tuesday 30th November
CLASSWORK: We were working through grammar topic 2.
HOMEWORK 1: (for Wednesday) Please do p140, 143,147, 150 and 151. I will not give you any other homework on Tuesday!!!!
HOMEWORK 2: (for next Tuesday at 5pm) Please do THISlistening. The audio is below... Please finish this by next Tuesday (30.11) at 4pm.

Some students have a test on Adjectives tomorrow.

Friday 26th November
CLASSWORK 1: We started by quickly talking about the "pöytäsermit" and the weekend.
CLASSWORK 2: We then thought about some adjectives. We read up to "savory".
CLASSWORK 3: Then we started the "vaillinaiset apuverbit". 
CLASSWORK 4: We did p136-139, 141-142, 144-146.
CLASSWORK 5: Then we started p148 and 149 Ex11 and 12.
HOMEWORK 1: (for next Wednesday) Please do p140, 143,147, 150 and 151. I will not give you any other homework on Tuesday!!!!
HOMEWORK 2: (for next Tuesday at 5pm) Please do THIS listening. The audio is below... Please finish this by next Tuesday (30.11) at 4pm.

Wednesday 24th November
CLASSWORK 1: We did an AB quickly (irregular verbs 75-98).
CLASSWORK 2: Then we translated, did and checked Ex9h on p92.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we thought about commas.
CLASSWORK 4: When students finished the comma sheet they started p93 Ex9j. WE DIDN'T CHECK THIS
CLASSWORK 5: We then watched some Taskmaster (potato).
OLD HOMEWORK: We have a test on the unit 9 words on Friday (QUIZLET).
NEW HOMEWORK: Please finish the comma sheet for Friday.
OLD HOMEWORK: Please finish p88> 9a, 9c, 9d and 9e. We will check these on Friday.

Tuesday 23rd November
CLASSWORK 1: We revised for the test and then did it.
CLASSWORK 2: We then started translating unit 9 (p85).
CLASSWORK 3: Then we started p88 Ex9a, 9b and 9c.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we did p89 Ex9d.
CLASSWORK 5: Please write the answers to Ex9e (p90).
CLASSWORK 6: Then please talk about 9f and 9g with your partner(s).
HOMEWORK: Please finish p88> 9a, 9c, 9d and 9e. We will check these on Friday.
We will have a test on the Unit 9 words on Friday (QUIZLET).

Friday 20th November
CLASSWORK 1: We did lots of writing on Friday.
HOMEWORK: Revise for the test on unit 4 next Tuesday.

Thursday 19th November
CLASSWORK 1: We did the AB on prepositions of time.
CLASSWORK 2: We then did the writing.
CLASSWORK 3: Some students did the test again.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we started the exercises on p48 and 49. Ex4a, 4b, 4c, 4d and 4e. WE DID NOT CHECK THESE!
CLASSWORK 5: Students that finished that then started p52-> in the BLUE GRAMMAR BOOK.

Wednesday 17th November
CLASSWORK 1: We finished translating the text (unit 4).
CLASSWORK 2: Then we started the exercises on p48 and 49. Ex4a, 4b, 4c, 4d and 4e. WE DID NOT CHECK THESE!
CLASSWORK 3: We then thought about topics 1-4 and 6 on page 134. We will write on one of these topics on Friday.
CLASSWORK 4: Then we did half of the draw/describe game.
HOMEWORK 1: Some students need to do the test on p28 on Friday - revise!
HOMEWORK 2: Please think about p134 (topics 1-4 and 6). Please choose one to write about on Friday.
HOMEWORK 3: Two students must do the listening by tonight at 6pm (questions and audio below - 9.11.21).

Tuesday 16th November
CLASSWORK 1: We checked the work on p28 and 29.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did the test.
CLASSWORK 3: We then did an AB on nationality words.
CLASSWORK 4: We watched WILTY.
CLASSWORK 5: Then we did a lot of the sheet on nationality words.
CLASSWORK 6: We then started translating unit 4 (we also listened to it).
HOMEWORK 1: Please finish the sheet on nationality words by tomorrow. You must return it tomorrow by 1pm. If you are not in the lesson then email it by 12.30 at the very latest to eksynytbritti@gm...com. (I will mark this by taking 3 points off if there is no answer). You must fill in every gap!
HOMEWORK 2: Please also finish the exercises on p184-185.
OLD HOMEWORK: If you have not done so already then please doTHIS LISTENING EXERCISEby tonight at 6pm.WRITE YOUR ANSWERS ON HERE. The link for the audio is below...

Friday 12th November
CLASSWORK 1: We did the test.
CLASSWORK 2: We then did a quiz on geography.
CLASSWORK 3: We then read/ did p180-181.
CLASSWORK 4: We then did p184 Ex33.
CLASSWORK 5: Then we started p184-185 Ex34, 35 and 36. We wrote the answers.
CLASSWORK 6: Then we did p28-29. You must write the answers.
NEW HOMEWORK: Please revise for a test on Tuesday on the p28-29 words. The test will be from English to Finnish. There is no Quizlet.
NEW HOMEWORK: Please finish the exercises on p28 and p29.
OLD HOMEWORK: If you have not done so already then please do THIS LISTENING EXERCISE by Thursday at 10pm. WRITE YOUR ANSWERS ON HERE. The link for the audio is below...

Wednesday 10th November
CLASSWORK 1: We started with p25 and did 2g.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did p25 Ex2h. We wrote the answers.
CLASSWORK 3: Then we did the speaking exercise on p23. You must give proper, long answers to the question.
CLASSWORK 4: Please then finish 2d on p22.
CLASSWORK 5: Then tell the teacher you are ready.:)
CLASSWORK 6: After that we did the listening, ex2i.
CLASSWORK 7: We then played Quizlet and Hangman on the unit 2 words.
CLASSWORK 8: The final thing was that we started pages 28 and 29.
NEW HOMEWORK: Please revise for a test on Friday on the words from the unit 2 text (QUIZLET)).
OLD HOMEWORK: Please do THIS LISTENING EXERCISE by Thursday at 10pm. WRITE YOUR ANSWERS ON HERE. The link for the audio is below:

Tuesday 9th November
CLASSWORK 1: We listened to and translated unit 2.
CLASSWORK 2: We then did the exercises starting on page 20: Ex2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 2f...
CLASSWORK 3: Then we played "Alias".
HOMEWORK: Please do THIS LISTENING EXERCISE by Thursday at 10pm. WRITE YOUR ANSWERS ON HERE. The link for the audio is below:

REVISION  Indefinite Pronouns
REVISION   Relative clauses 
REVISION   Kansallisuussanat 
REVISION   Apuverbit 

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