6. Reflection with respect to a point

Reflection with respect to a point

Reflection with respect to a point

When reflecting a figure with respect to a point, the corresponding points of the figure are
  • on the same line that passes through the point.
  • at an equal distance from the reflection point.

A pattern symmetrical with respect to a point is reflected symmetrically through a reflection point. If the reflection point is located inside the pattern, it is called the pattern's center of symmetry. 

Example 1

By reflecting the triangle [[$ ABC $]]​ with respect to the point [[$ P $]],​ a reflected triangle [[$ A'B'C' $]]​ is obtained. This triangle is similar to the original triangle.

Example 2

Below, you can see examples of figures that are symmetric with respect to a point. Their centers of symmetry are marked in red.

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