Few words from Tobba

Dear friends,

Now the time is running very very fast and we are getting so excited to welcome you here in Iceland.

The weather forecast for next week is not too bad, the temperature is rising above 0°C and you might be expecting some rain but we will see it better in the next few days how the weather will be treating us.

But I think it will be a good idea to bring wind- and rain proved clothing if possible.

We will be using the swimming pool that we have here at our school a lot so please bring swimsuit, you will also use it at the Blue Lagoon.

And since our country is known for being the country of ICE & FIRE our volcanos are reminding us now and then that they exist and have been shaking themselves a bit – so it will be interesting to follow the news about them, but don’t worry – we are not going to hike up a volcano J (http://en.vedur.is/earthquakes-and-volcanism/earthquakes).

I will add more information here in the next few days so stay tuned



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