Here is a list who hosts whom. We have 12 students involved in the project. All of them want to be a host. Therefore there are two hosting pairs (Venla+Roosa and Sofia+Aura). We have planned that Stefan and Daniel will change the family in the middle of the week. The two pairs are together the whole week.
Veera - Tordur
Iida - Gisli
Hilla - Marianna
Adele - Elvar
Venla + Roosa - Stefan
Noora - Agusta
Josefiina - Sigursteinn
Sofia + Aura - Daniel
Olli - Oskar
Emma - Tryggvi
The weather conditions can be whatever in February. Usually it is the coldest month of the year. This week (week 5) has been warmer than average; it has been snowing and temperatures have varied between 0 and -5 degrees. Next week (week 6) has been forecasted to be clearly colder. Temperatures will be around -10, even -15 degrees. Right now we do not have the forecast for week 7. It can be anything from +5 to -25. This is not a very big deal except on Thursday when we are going to have a whole-day-trip to Pikku-Syöte. It is the small mountain for winter sports. If it is cold on that certain day, it will be even colder at Pikku-Syöte because it is situated inland and 300 metres above sea level and also it may be windy on the top of the hill. But please note that you can get extra clothing from the organizing company at Pikku-Syöte if you want. It is a kind of full body suit.
Welcome to Oulu! You will survive.
15.25 | Arrival at the airport |
16.15 | Welcome by the principal and a snack made by students |
17.00 | Accommodation to the families |
8.15 | Project working and participating in the lessons |
11.45 | Lunch at school |
12.30 | Starting out to the city center by public bus |
13.00 | Visiting science center Tietomaa |
15.00 | Shopping in the city center |
17.00 | Returning to Metsokangas by public bus |
7.45 | Starting out to Rovaniemi and Kemi |
11.15 | Lunch, Hesburger (Rovaniemi) |
12.15 | Visiting Snowman World at the Santa Claus Village |
14.00 | Shopping at the Arctic circle |
and time for eating sandwiched sponsored by the school | |
15.00 | Starting out to Kemi Snowcastle |
16.30 | Visiting Kemin LumiLinna, the biggest Snowcastle in the world |
17.45 | Starting out to Oulu |
19.00 | Back in Oulu |
8.00 | Starting out to Pikku-Syöte |
10.00 | Downhill skiing, snowboarding or sledding/bumhilling |
Lunch at restaurant, open from 11 to 3 | |
16.00 | Snack on the campfire: sandwich, sausages, pancake |
17.00 | Starting out to Oulu |
19.00 | Back in Oulu |
8.15 | Project working and participating in the lessons |
10.30 | Lunch at school |
11.30 | Starting out to Toppila by public bus |
12.00 | Vsiting indoor climbing center in Toppila |
14.00 | Dinner at the city center |
14.30 | Another possibility for shopping |
16.00 | Back to Metsokangas by public bus |
18.00 | Farewell party at school |
10.00 | Everyone has to be at the airport |

Isometso and the technology room

The canteen, the artwork in the roof is made by Kirsti Muinonen. Most of the classrooms look like this, and every class has their own "color code", green, red, grey or yellow.
Oulu is a quite big city in the northern Finland. Population of Oulu is 200 232. Oulu is the fifth most populous city in Finland.

Location of Oulu coat of arms of Oulu
The centre of Oulu
The centre of Oulu is quite small comparing to its population. There is few places to see in the centre. One those places is Rotuaari. It is an area/street in downtown.

christmas lights in the Rotuaari The Rotuaari ball
One big investment in the center is called Kivisydän. It is A big underground car park. Above of Kivisydän is new shopping center Valkea. It has many possibilityes for shopping but it is also a place where the finnish youngsters hang out.

shopping center Valkea https://kauppakeskusvalkea.fi/
In the middle of market of Oulu stands statue named Toripolliisi. It was named by three market polices that once patrolled the market place.

Adele ja Josefiina
In Kemi we'll go to Kemin Lumilinna which is fully made of snow and ice. There is at least restaurant, hotel and church in there.

In Rovaniemi we'll visit in the Santaclaus village at the Arctic Circle. There we'll visit in Snowman world. In Snowman world we can for example go for sledding. We haven't been there either but it should be fun.
We can also meet Santa Claus and you can send letters to your family signed by Santa Claus.
In this trip we eat in some fast food restaurant.

Link to video of Snowman world:
Iida, Roosa and Venla
Pikku-Syöte is a sports centre, mostly known of downhill skiing and year-round activity camps. Pikku-Syöte is 386 meters high and the longest slope is 1100 meters. During the winters there are 9 different slopes to choose from and there are fantastic routes for cross-country skiing amidst the arctic hills. Pikku-Syöte is located in Finlands most southern fells in Pudasjärvi. Besides downhill skiing and snowboarding, there's a possibility, for example, to go sledding, snowshoeing or visit a husky farm.
If you don't own any equipment or warm clothes, you can lend them from the centre.

Pikku-Syöte is 153 kilometers away from our school and it takes about 2 hours to drive there.
On Tuesday, we are going to Tietomaa. It's Finland's first science centre. It lies in the Oulu centrum. There is lots of do and see. For example there is giant movie theater and other activities. After that we can go to shopping in the city center. In the process you get experience of Oulu's public transport. :D
On Friday we have planned to visit to Oulu's climbing center, which lies in the Toppila. There we can climb and have fun.
Some pics of Tietomaa and climbing centre:

Anyway, we are going to skating, skiing and sledding with you. :D
If you want to visit Tietomaa's or Oulu's climbing centre, there are the websites:
Tietomaa: http://www.tietomaa.fi/
Oulu's climbing centre: http://www.oulunkiipeilykeskus.com/
Made by: Hilla, Noora and Veera