Vanhoja juttuja
Ysien päivä 1.6.2016
Kansainvälisiä vierailuja koulussamme.
Kevätukukauden aikana koulussamme vieraili kaksi Erasmus-opiskelijaa Tampereen yliopistosta. Vierailut tapahtuivat Erasmus in Schools -ohjelman puitteissa, jossa opiskelijat kertovat oman maansa kulttuurista ja tavoista. Vierainamme olivat Olesya Gladushyna Ukrainasta...
...ja Jia Yu Kiinasta.
Being an ambassador means a great responsibility and at the same time a unique opportunity to introduce the country, its culture, history and expectations to those who are not familiar with it. The Finnish national programme "Erasmus in School" gave me such a chance to be an ambassador of Ukraine and to visit a school in Orivesi city where I conducted English lessons and discovered Ukraine though art with Finnish students. I would like to thank the school, its staff and students, for the warm welcome and hospitality.
...ja Jia Yu Kiinasta.