11.3.2024 eTwinning Our Baltic Sea: European Blue Schools Network

Oriveden yhteiskoulu ja lukio ovat mukana eTwinning-projektissa Our Baltic Sea. Projektissa nuoret Itämeren alueen maista tekevät yhteistyötä Itämeri-teeman parissa. Jokaiselle kuukaudelle on ideoitu jotakin Itämeri-aiheista toimintaa.

Maaliskuun projektitapaamisessa 11.3.2024 tutustuttiin yhdessä European Blue Schools -verkostoon

You can download the handbook EUROPEAN BLUE SCHOOLS here.

Any school, whether public or private, coastal or inland, can obtain the European Blue School Certification and be part of the Network by undertaking a project linked to the ocean that aligns with the Blue Schools criteria.

Such criteria are based on ten key points, the first five being compulsory, while the remaining five are optional. These can be considered both as guidelines to develop a project, as well as indicators to self-assess your application to become a European Blue School. 

Every project that a school submits to become a European Blue School should achieve five compulsory criteria:

  1. Develop a project with interlinked activities.
  2. Produce a clear output.
  3. Involve all students.
  4. Collaborate with a local partner.
  5. Communicate project results.

Optional criteria: 

6. (optional): Provide authentic learning experiences

7.-8. (optional): Work multi- or interdisciplinary and Mobilise beyond the classroom

9.-10. (optional): Foster a land-sea interaction and Bring in a European dimension

Three types of blue schools are distinguished:

  • European Blue School Certificate: Issued for schools that meet the criteria and are located in the EU country.
  • Associated Blue School Certificate: Issued for schools that meet the criteria and are located outside of the EU.
  • Partner Blue School Certificate: For VET schools that did not complete a blue school project but specialise in training in marine (blue) jobs and can support or collaborate with general education schools on their way to prepare their students for the blue market and maritime-related studies and jobs.

Additionally, to acknowledge schools' long-term involvement and the value that more experienced schools bring into the Network, a gradation of certificates was introduced for European and Associated schools:

  • Blue School (entry level): For schools that applied once or twice with a project that lasted no longer than 1 school year.
  • Aquamarine Blue School (middle level): For schools that conducted projects that lasted 2-5 years or applied 3-5 years in a row with repeated projects.
  • Ultramarine Blue School (top level): For schools that have been conducting marine projects for more than 5 years.