
Welcome to Orimattilan yhteiskoulu! (a coeducational school in Orimattila)

We are a lower secondary school in a town called Orimattila, in southern Finland. Our school is a public school that offers education for students between ages 13-15 (grades 7-9). In Orimattilan yhteiskoulu we are interested in connecting with other schools around the world. The Finnish school curriculum enables a rather wide range of both academic and non-academic subjects, including subjects like home economics, visual art and craft. We also offer Robotics as an after-school activity, and our robotics teams, with their devoted teachers, have gained some success in international competitions!

The teachers in our school have a mutual goal to make our school more international and offer our students experiences that expand their views of the people and world around them. Since we received the Erasmus+ certificate in 2022, our teachers have attended international courses, participated in job shadowing projects and organized international mobilities for students. We are especially interested in strengthening our skills in the field of technology and cooperative teaching as well as in increasing student equality and civic engagement.

Please, take a look at our past and upcoming Erasmus+ projects by clicking the different titles below the Erasmus+ heading on the left.

Erasmus-liikkuvuudet 2023-2024

Orimattilan yhteiskoulussa toteutuu kuluvana keväänä kolme Erasmus+ -ryhmäliikkuvuutta. Ensimmäinen ryhmä matkasi tammikuussa Sloveniaan Ptujn kaupunkiin. Huhtikuussa kahdeksan oppilaan ryhmä suuntaa Kroatiaan Bibinjeen ja toukokuussa 13 oppilaan ryhmä Saksaan Heideen.

Akkreditoinnin myötä tavoitteenamme on saada kansainvälinen toiminta hyvin käyntiin koulussamme, verkostoitua muiden teknologiaorientoituneiden eurooppalaisten koulujen kanssa sekä saada vinkkejä yhteisopettajuuteen niin oppiaineiden sisällä kuin eri oppiaineiden välillä.