Fourth workshop: Contemporary research on career education in the Nordic countries and self-governing areas. October 2023 at Arhus University in Copenhagen, Denmark.

In the fourth workshop, we looked back and forward on the project. We focused on the achievements of the project so far including summing up the articles for the special issue. We presented and evaluated the national/local workshops conducted during spring 2023. Further we discussed future collaboration, founding and articles. We decided to continue the network.

Day 1. Evaluation of the local workshops and achievement of the project

Rie Thomsen, Gry Marie Tybjerg and Randi Boelskifte Skovhus welcomed the team on behalf of Arhus University and the Danish participants, shared some practical information and introduced the schedule for the two days.

Rie Thomasen reported a short summary of project achievements and facilitated a common writing process to finalizing the report.

Presentation and sharing of the national/local workshops and activities. Each country group shares: How did we approach the workshop, who attended? Two key points/important things/good experiences from the workshop.

Day 2. The special issue – content, progress – and closing for now.

Jaana Kettunen took us through the settings, content, and progress of the special issue on Career Education in NJTCG (

Four article groups made presentations of their work:

  • Country review article – Sweden - Per Åke Rosvall from Umeå University
  • Country review article – Norway - Ida Holth Mathiesen from Stavanger University
  • Country review article – Finland – Jaana Kettunen from Finnish Institute for Educational Research, Jyvaskyla University
  • Mahtab Eshaghbeigi-Hosseini from Umeå University then shared her article with us

At last, we discussed the project rounding off. Together we summarized the workshop and our NordicCareerEd project. The participants agreed to continue with network meetings, everyone takes on a task for an agenda, lifting together. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä