Workshop 3 Developing a framework for comparative study and analysis of career education

Third workshop: Developing a framework for comparative study and analysis of career education. August 2022 at the University of South-Eastern in Drammen, Norway

The third workshop took some quite successful steps towards the goal of comparative study and analysis of career education in a special issue with insights into separate groups article work across the countries. Also, the workshop made space for planning local workshops in each country and planning funding for further projects.

The network decided to plan an extra workshop in Copenhagen oct. 2023 to accomplice the goals of the project.

Day 1: Presentation and feedback on work-in-progress with articles to the special issue

Petra Roise and Roger Kjærgård from USN welcomed the NOS-HS-Career Ed group and then Rie Thomsen took us through the NOR- timeline and the state of project achievements Timeline.

Three groups presented their work and got constructive feedback from the rest of the network:

  • Petra Roise presented the article on Workplace experience in lower secondary education in the Nordic countries (WEP) on behalf of the first group.
  • Sif Einarsdóttir presented on behalf of the group working on Comparative Framework for Career Education in the Nordic Countries.
  • Gry Marie Tybjerg presented on behalf the third group, the theme was: A critical Review/mapping of Career Education Activities in Denmark – A House of Cards?

Day 2: Preparation on local workshop in each country and funding

Rie Thomsen and Jaana Kettunen took us through the introduction and information on national/local workshops and we discussed the aim and timing of national events and cross-Nordic collaboration.

Each country discussed how to plan and facilitate a local workshop and to whom. The network inspired each other to this work.

We ended the day with discussing and planning funding possibilities.