
The future of career education in the Nordic countries and self-governing areas

The overall theme of the workshop series is The future of career education in the Nordic countries and self-governing areas. The more specific themes of each two-day workshop are respectively (1) contemporary research on career education in the Nordic countries, (2) overcoming theoretical and methodological challenges, and (3) developing a framework for comparative study and analysis of career education. In each workshop, presentations will be given on a specific theme. There will be time allocated for joint discussions on these themes, as well as sessions in which research plans, conference presentations and article manuscripts are discussed in smaller groups. Time is dedicated for planning future collaboration among workshop participants, such as research project proposals, conference sessions and joint articles.

Workshop 1: Contemporary research on career education in the Nordic countries.

Online, 30.9-1.10.2021

The first workshop of the series focuses on current and recent research on career education at compulsory school level in the Nordic countries and self-governing areas, exploring different ways of understanding the strengths and weaknesses characterizing the various models and approaches in

Workshop 2:
Overcoming theoretical and methodological challenges.

Jyväskylä, 21-22.4.2022

The second workshop is devoted to discussing and expanding the participants’ knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and methodological challenges when studying career education across the Nordic countries. The mapping of different approaches to career education (commonalities and differences) during the first workshop will provide a foundation for this workshop. The aim of the workshop is to explore and agree on a framework for qualitative

Workshop 3: Developing a framework for comparative study and analysis of career education

Norway, 26.1.- 27.1.2023

The final workshop in the series focuses on developing the framework for comparative study and analysis of career education in the Nordic countries and self-governing areas. This workshop will draw on the outcomes of previous workshops - the mapping of Nordic approaches to career education (commonalities and differences) and the broad qualitative methodological approach to studying career education across the Nordic countries – to further develop a framework for a comparative study.

Workshop 4

Denmark, 24.10-25.10.2023 käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä