

Second workshop: Overcoming theoretical and methodological challenges.
April 2022 at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

Organizers: Jaana Kettunen, Finland & Per-Åke Rosvall, Sweden

The second workshop is devoted to discussing and expanding the participants’ knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and methodological challenges when studying career education across Nordic countries. The mapping of different approaches to career education (commonalities and differences) during the first workshop will provide a foundation for this workshop. The aim of the workshop is to explore and agree on a framework for qualitative approaches to studying career education across the Nordic countries that can be used as the basis for a joint funding application.

20 April 2022, Arrival to Jyväskylä

The trains arrive in Jyväskylä at approximately 16.36 and 19.39, respectively. There will be taxis waiting at the south end of the railway station. The driver will be holding a sign "Nordic Career Ed". To find the taxis, please turn left, when you step out of the train.

20.00 - Joint dinner

21 April 2022, WORKHOP II: Day 1


Welcome and introduction to the workshop
Jaana Kettunen, Vice-director of the Finnish Institute for Educational Research, FI

Session I: How to study career education across the Nordic countries: reflections from the first workshop and next steps moderator Rie Thomsen, DK

9.15 - 11.00

Session II: Qualitative research methods in cross-national research
Moderator Per-Åke Rosvall

•Knowledge development through participatory research, Randi Skovhus, DK & Petra Røise, NOR
•Phenomenography in cross-national research, Jaana Kettunen, FI
•Collective ethnography as a method for comparative research, Per-Åke Rosvall, SWE


Lunch & outdoor activity with lecture 


Session III: Designing the local/national feedback workshops

moderator Ilse Jensen, GL

• Designing the local/national feedback workshop activities that will be organised in each country and self-governing area to gain feedback from national experts, career guidance practitioner organisations, teachers’ unions, student organisations and policymakers on the outcomes of workshops 1 and 2. This feedback will be shared in workshop three, thereby securing feedback from a broad range of stakeholders


Afternoon snack & refreshments


Social activity - sauna & spa

19.00 - Dinner

22 April 2022, Workshop II: Day 2


Session IV - Ideas for the new articles
Moderator Outi Ruusuvirta-Uuksulainen & Jaana Kettunen, FI
• Agreeing on next topics for joint articles

10.00- 12.00

Session V - Collaborative writing




Session VI: Possible applications, moderator
Moderator Per-Åke Rosvall and Mahtab Beigi, SWE


Feedback and collaborative planning of the next events
moderator Rie Thomsen, DK


Afternoon snack & refreshments


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